11 signs you’re no longer a hard-core gamer

I was never much of a “system fanboy,” so that one doesn’t apply to me, but a lot of these qualities do. Sometimes I just want to play a game to feel awesome, which isn’t necessarily playing on the highest difficulty or online with really skilled players.

You prefer playing against the computer

Online gaming against real people has become depressing – it exposes your faded, spoon-sharp reflexes and you abhor the trash-talk from 12-year old fanboys. You prefer playing offline against the computer because a game’s algorithms are slightly more predictable. And, once you master the scripted patterns of play, you stand a real chance of being good… of actually winning. And that feels great, doesn’t it? Ranking second-bottom on a multiplayer leader board doesn’t.

Read More: 11 signs you’re no longer a hard-core gamer | News | TechRadar UK.

About Andy Yen