Activision Kills Guitar Hero

“Due to continued declines in the music genre, the company will disband Activision Publishing’s Guitar Hero business unit and discontinue development on its Guitar Hero game for 2011” –Activision financial statement

Perhaps “killed” may be too strong of a word, as I’m sure down the road someone will revive the franchise. It’s just too strong of a brand to write off forever.

Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg from December 2010:

“It’s no secret that not just Guitar Hero, but also Rock Band, and the music category in general, do not have the same mass appeal today that they did a few years ago,” he said.

“That said, I think that we would be foolish to not try and build on the strength of the Guitar Hero brand, because as you said, it’s a pretty strong brand with great recognition and great likeability, and there’s a lot to work with there.”

However, there’s no question we needed a break from the over-saturation of the franchise that Activision shoved down our throats the past few years.

Hope you liked what you have wrought, Uncle Bobby.

Read More: Activision kills Guitar Hero News – Page 1 |

About Andy Yen