Ashton Kutcher to Take a Break from Twitter

The impetus for Kutcher’s sudden hiatus was an earlier tweet that defended Penn State coach Joe Paterno, who was fired Wednesday after being implicated in a scandal related to assistant coach Jerry Sandusky’s alleged history of sexually molesting children. “How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste,” the tweet said. Later on, Kutcher tweeted, “Heard Joe was fired, fully recant previous tweet!” and “Didn’t have full story. #admitwhenYoumakemistakes.”

So he made a mistake. He admitted it, apologized, and recanted. Shit happens.

One of the appeals of Twitter is that it gives the public a window into the mind of a celebrity. Sometimes that mind says stupid things, but at the end of the day everyone’s human. I don’t see why something like this should drive him away from the platform. Sure, it’s embarrassing, but quitting Twitter because of this seems a bit over-reactionary. Give the guy a break, it’s not like he followed it up with pics of Pedobear and exclamations of “SUCK IT, KIDS!”

via Mashable.

About Andy Yen