In an era where ignorance about video games in the political realm is rampant, it’s refreshing to come across a level headed politician when it comes to gaming. Jeanne Stevens, Republican nominee for the House of Representatives in the 101st district, Connecticut, is one such individual. Apparently she is an avid player of World of Warcraft. With three characters created (70 Hunter, 58 Shaman, 53 Rogue), Jeanne obviously has spent some time with the game.
Wanderinggoblin.com has an interview up with Stevens. Contained within are some questions about her campaign and her second life in Azeroth. I found her opinion on video game legislation to be noteworthy:
Parents need to start parenting! You are the adult. You are responsible for what happens within your home. If you don’t like the content of a t.v. show, game, book, etc., don’t allow it in your home – that is your choice – you get to be the legislator, you make the laws of your home. Don’t abdicate that responsibility to the government. Exercise your own common sense – way back when, I enjoyed listening to Howard Stern on my commute to work – if he was getting too raunchy for my tastes, I changed the dial – and, I never listened to him if my kids were in the car.
Amen, sister!
Running for Congress might actually be a good move for Mrs. Stevens – if anything it’ll afford her more time to play WoW than her previous gig as an attorney did.
Read the whole interview [wanderinggoblin.com]