Site News Archive


Site News

Hello friends.

You may have noticed a little change in the site updates recently. Namely, a bunch of shorter posts with links. It’s a win/win because it lets me feel a little less pressured to hit the home run with every post I make while also giving you guys a lot more content to peruse through.

Rest assured, I’ll still be doing the featured review or column for time to time though. Let us know in the comments how the new format is working for you.

Also, in a shameless bit of self-promotion, I’m currently also a new editor for Lalawag – it’s a tech blog based in Los Angeles, but will cover the “big” tech news as well. You might see a little less tech content here, but you can still find my musings over there.

As always, follow me on twitter @renowned as you’ll often get some gems of knowledge and lulz that you won’t get elsewhere.



We’re Still Alive

Sorry for the lack of updates the last week.  I had a few issues upgrading the site to the new WordPress 2.5 platform.  It turns out that the new release broke quite a few things that weren’t quickly fixable.

On the bright side, the backend post-writing tools are a HUGE improvement over the previous version.  It’s a significantly easier process to post content now.  If you have a WordPress powered blog and haven’t upgraded yet I highly recommend it.  Being able to embed Flash videos painlessly is worth the trouble alone.

We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled posting.
