Clues About the Next PlayStation Portable

As presumptuous as Hirai’s statement about immersive games fans remaining Sony fans is, he’s right in that almost all of the games being played on iOS and Android are of very different qualities than “traditional” video games. Almost every game I’ve seen (Infinity Blade aside) is either a very cutesy puzzle game, a tower defense clone, or shoddy retro game port. Unless Windows Phone 7 takes off, Sony pretty much will have the “high production value” mobile game market by default.

“The games being played on Android and Apple platforms are fundamentally different from the world of immersive games that Sony Computer Entertainment, and PlayStation, aims for,” Mr. Hirai said. The kinds of gamers who enjoy more intense games, he said, would remain Sony’s fan base.

Clues About the Next PlayStation Portable –

About Andy Yen