Everyday Shooter Now Available On PC/Steam

everyday shooter screenshot

If your only excuse for not checking out Jonathan Mak’s awesome “album of shooter games” was that you didn’t own a PS3, you have an excuse no longer!

Everyday Shooter is now available on Steam for the low price of $9.99 (or $8.99 if you buy the game this week).  I never got around to writing up an Indie Game Spotlight for this game, but rest assured, it was one of the best independent games to come out in 2007.

The game is comprised of 10 different songs/stages, each with its own song, art, and play style.   As you shoot enemies and create chain combos, you create new guitar riffs and sounds that layer on top of the music to create a seamless aural experience.  It’s an awesome synthesis of music and gaming and definitely worth your time.

Check Out The Steam Page [steampowered.com]

About Andy Yen