How Did This Guy Get To Play Duke Nukem Forever?

I have no idea who Jace Hall is, but apparently he finagled a video exclusive out of 3DRealms for its legendary vaporware title, Duke Nukem Forever.

If you haven’t been following games for the past couple of decades, you may not be aware that this game has been in development for over 12 years. I remember chomping at the bit in 1997 for this sequel to the awesome Duke Nukem 3d that was supposed to go head to head with Quake 2 to determine first-person shooter title supremacy.

My reaction to the vid?

Looks alright. At this point, I don’t even know what I’m expecting anymore. As long as it has Duke’s trademark potty humor and it has a decent feel, I’ll probably be happy with it. It’s not like anyone’s expecting the equivalent of Bioshock out of this one.

Skip about 4 minutes into the video to see the gameplay footage – the first half of the video is an interview with Agent Weiss from Alias.

Update: It looks like Jace is a former VP at Warner Bros. Interactive – Read more here

About Andy Yen