paidContent‘s Joseph Wiesenthal was in attendance at a SXSW panel this week entitled “Ad Supported Music, A New Hope For The Industry?” when things apparently got a little chippy. Peter Rojas of RCRD LBL and Interscope’s Ted Mico got into what could only be described as a sexy male catfight:
As for the ‘old’ digital model, he [Rojas] suggested that the only people he knows who buy tracks from iTunes are people who get giftcards from grandparents for Christmas. By this point, audience members started getting agitated. One screamed out something about Rojas disregarding intellectual property.” Mico suggested that it was silly for Rojas to disclaim the traditional model since he called his site RCRD LBL (it’s pronounced ‘record label’) “It’s obviously a bow to the past.. The idea that oh it’s a blog and oh it’s radically different is bllsht.” Then Rojas returned with: “The different is is that we make money.” (Zing!) Mico: “You’re (still) selling music!”
I love it! This is the kind of stuff we need to see more often in the music industry. It’s a good change of pace to have a little mudslinging soften the apocalyptic overtones I always hear whenever someone talks about the industry. I’m disappointed I didn’t get to make it out for this. Those of you who who avoid the panels at SXSW, who’s laughing now? Would you rather hear grown executives sling potty at each other or see Indie Xerox Band #23?
Someone tell me there’s a panel with Bill Nguyen from lala.com and Bob Lefsetz PLEASE!
Read an account of the panel [paidContent.org]