Killzone 3 Move preview: Point and shoot

Now, this is interesting. Could the Move actually be a non-useless peripheral? If it actually adds as much to the game experience as Randy says, there might be something for gaming enthusiasts to hang their hat on in the motion gaming realm.

Randy Nelson from Joystiq:

Holding down the primary, zigzagging “Move” button allows you to crouch and, when near cover, to stick to it, and I definitely prefer this new cover control to how the mechanic is executed with the DualShock. I was also impressed with how accurately I could aim with the Move when zooming down the sights of the gun, even with the auto-aim assist turned off. It was as if I was shining a laser pointer on my target, and any sense of the gun’s momentum that sometimes causes me to “over-aim” when I’m using a gamepad’s analog stick was gone. The Move is dead-on.

Killzone 3 Move preview: Point and shoot | Joystiq.

About Andy Yen