Michael Jackson is White on Both Sides


Ebony has scored the first interview with Michael Jackson in over a decade.  The interview will be run in the December 07 issue of the magazine, with Jackson on the cover.  Honestly ‘d be surprised if Jackson is even coherent throughout the interview.  The dude has been the butt of many a South Park episode/SNL Skit/one liner since the turn of the millennium.  He hasn’t made relevant music in well over a decade.  His appearance at the World Music Awards last year looked positively awful.  And now there are rumors of him working with will.i.am and 50 Cent on a new record? Come on.  Yes, I know he made Thriller, but that was over 25 years ago.  He went crazy about 15 years ago and now it’s too late to recapture the talent he had.  Just give it up already MJ and leave us with the memories.

Judging by that headline and that cover, though, there is a shocking secret part of Africa filled with native white men wearing white suits.  I’m pumped to read this issue, because this is the first I’ve heard of this phenomenon.  How did they keep this hidden African oasis secret for so long?

Michael Jackson in Ebony [Reuters]

About Andy Yen