Mitch Hurwitz’s Guide To Getting A Sitcom Cancelled

So it looks like the UK is only just now having Arrested Development aired for them on television. Lucky them.

Anyway, as part of the promotional tour, creator Mitch Hurwitz did a little guide for The Guardian on “How To Get A Sitcom Cancelled.” Apparently he envisioned Arrested Development as “for British sensibilities,” which I actually believe. The humor always seemed too layered for the average American.

A couple of good ones:

Make easy jokes about minority groups

Whether they be Mexicans, Jews or homosexuals, any group can be dismissed with a few stereotypical cracks. At least, that’s what we tried to do. And given their “lack of coming to the party”, it seems we succeeded!

Squander iconic guest stars

As an example, Liza Minnelli has famously appealed to the homosexual audience. Note: it’s very important to alienate the homosexual audience first, or they might “come to the party”.

via Mitch Hurwitz’s Guide To Getting A Sitcom Cancelled –

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