Neil Gaiman Knows The Meaning Of Free

Neil Gaiman has been my favorite contemporary fiction author ever since I was captivated by The Sandman in the early 90’s. Recently, he and his publisher have put up his most defining literary work, American Gods, in its entirety for free online (I recommend you give it a read, it’s wonderful!). Apparently, he’s gotten some flak from some small bookstores who believe that move will be the death of them if authors everywhere started putting up digital copies of their books for free. Neil, on the other hand, appears to have read Chris Anderson’s Free! article and understands the current marketplace climate:

Just as a bookseller who regards a library as the enemy, because people can go there and read — for free! — what he sells, is missing that the library is creating a pool of people who like and take pleasure in books, will be his customer base, and are out there spreading the word about authors and books they like to other people, some of whom will simply go out and buy it.

If you have the time, I suggest reading his full reply to the letter – he’s got some pretty insightful thoughts on the process of building a customer base with “free” content.

The music industry could stand to learn a thing or two from this affair.

Read Neil Gaiman on giving away free content []

Read American Gods online []

About Andy Yen