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The Darkness II Preview

I recently had a chance to demo an early build of The Darkness 2 by Digital Extremes and 2K games at a press event in LA. Though it’s sad to see that Starbreeze (developers of the underrated Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay on 360) would no longer be developing the title, Digital Extremes has an equally impressive resume as well with titles like Unreal Tournament, Bioshock, and Dark Sector under its belt.

The biggest draw to me of the game is the “graphical noir” art style in the game. It’s not quite cel-shading because it involved a gaggle of Digital Extremes artists painstakingly hand drawing textures to make the game really “feel” like a 3D graphic novel. Most cel-shaded games are algorithmically rendered by the graphics engine — this one contains actual hand-drawn art everywhere. It looks strikingly beautiful and there’s really no other game out with the same visual style.

My full preview is up on ComicsAlliance if you care to learn more. As a certified potty guy, I leave you with this tidbit about the new Darkling from the preview:

Instead of having to be micromanaged by the player, Darkling will act as an autonomous companion, distracting and attacking enemies, picking up weapons and ammo to bring to Jackie, and dispensing post-mortem justice via urinating on fallen enemies. (No I did not make that up.) He’s got a bright Union Jack logo on his frontside and even talks in a cheery British accent. While it’s sad to see some of the more strategic elements of controlling Darklings go away, there’s just no substitute for the satisfaction value of having your diminutive British demon companion drench fallen foes with green pee.

Read More: ComicsAlliance Demos ‘The Darkness II’ Game & Free Comic Book Day Tie-In


This Is The First Screenshot From Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

Ubisoft sends word this morning officially announcing the development of the fourth Assassin’s Creed game, Revelations. That lovely screenshot you see above is the first official image of the game and looks to be Ezio hanging on using a new device called the “hookblade.” He’s overlooking Constantinople during the era of the Ottoman Empire. It’s supposedly the last chapter of the “Ezio trilogy” which presumably means that the next AC game will have a new assassin for us to play with.

I, for one, am honestly ready for Ezio to go. After the first Assassin’s Creed, I assumed that each subsequent title would have us control different members of the Assassin Brotherhood in other time period. It’s why I was a little hesitant on jumping into the last entry into the franchise, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood — did we really need another AC game set in Rome starring Ezio? However, Ubisoft ended up surprising me with a well-paced, solid story and unique hide-and-seek themed multiplayer game. I’ve given up pooh-pooh’ing the fact that a yearly Assassin’s Creed game is overkill. If Revelations is of at least the same quality as Brotherhood, there’ll be no issue there.

In their teaser for their June magazine-exclusive AC: Revelations feature piece, Game Informer revealed that players will be able to control Altair, Ezio, and Desmond in the new game. Sounds like a great way to incorporate all the character’s we’ve played as in the previous game into an epic wrap-up of the Ezio story.

Obviously, Ubisoft will tell us more details about the game at E3 next month. Assassin’s Creed: Revelations is set to come out on the 360, PS3, and PC in November 2011.


Denis Dyack Wants To Finish The Too Human Trilogy

I’m of the opinion that the (recent) history books don’t look upon Silicon Knights’ Too Human favorably mostly because of Denis Dyack’s hubris in promoting the title. I mean, when you take a bet on your game’s metacritic score with the NeoGAF forum users, you’re just asking for trouble.

The actual game itself wasn’t that bad, though. I had great fun with it; it’s more like a modern day Diablo meets God of War kind of hybrid using the Unreal Engine. While I can’t remember much about the game’s plot (other than some mythical Greek God references) since I played the game 3 years ago, I do remember liking the gameplay enough to be in on any sequels they would have made are going to make.

However, let’s be real though, if Dyack wanted to make a Eternal Darkness sequel, I would encourage them to drop any other project and just do that shit. Eternal Darkness might be one of the best games I’ve ever played. Genuinely terrifying with an epic storyline spanning centuries and family lines – just thinking about the game gives me chills.

And while we touched on the subject of XM:D during the half hour, the first questions I had for Dyack were about his studio’s last major release, Too Human. Primary among them: Is the Too Human trilogy dead? “No, not at all,” Dyack told me. “It is still on the table and we do plan on finishing the trilogy.”

via Silicon Knights’ Dyack on Too Human: ‘we do plan on finishing the trilogy’ | Joystiq.


This Is The Coolest Portal Plush Toy I’ve Seen

I wish I was as engineering-savvy as Jonathan Guberman because he and Leigh Nunan have managed to create the coolest interactive plush toy I’ve seen yet. Yeah, the Companion Cube from Portal is great, but it just kinda sits there, unlike the turrets in the game which have some adorable one-liners that really give it that human touch.

This baby has both a lift and motion sensor and responds to both with lines straight out of Portal. The only thing it’s missing is a laser and actual bullets. (And yes, it kinda looks like a white headcrab plush if you use your imagination, but it’s still awesome nonetheless.)

I want one now.

Check it out:

Interactive Talking Plush Portal Turret from Jonathan M. Guberman on Vimeo.


Sony Confirms Massive PlayStation Network Breach – What You Should Know

Originally posted on Lalawag

Sony just confirmed on its PlayStation Blog the worst case scenario for its recent PlayStation Network downtime/security breach – massive amounts of customer personal data was compromised by hackers. There are over 70 million PSN accounts currently. This is a security breach of disastrous proportions.

From Sony’s PSN Outage FAQ:

Q.6     Does that mean all users’ information was compromised?  Tell us more in details of what personal information leaked.

In terms of possibility, yes.  We believe that an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state/province, zip or postal code), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password, login, password security answers, and handle/PSN online ID.  It is also possible that your profile data may have been obtained, including purchase history and billing address (city, state/province, zip or postal code).  If you have authorized a sub-account for your dependent, the same data with respect to your dependent may have been obtained. If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, it is possible that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may also have been obtained.

That, my friends, is quite a Happy Meal of personal data that is out in the hands of someone “unauthorized.” Not only do they have your contact information and birthdate, but they have your friggin’ password and password security answers! Does this mean that Sony stupidly stored your passwords in plaintext somewhere? How dumb/cheap/lazy must your company be to store 70 million passwords in plaintext?

If the hackers had just gotten access to password hashes, I would have expected Sony would have mentioned that in order to allay some fears. Nowhere in Sony’s statement does it leave the possibility for password data to not have been compromised which leads many people to suspect gross negligence on Sony’s part. What else would you expect from a company that announces new Playstation/Qrocity branded tablets on the same day that it reports one of the worst breaches of consumer personal data in history?

There is some good news, though, as Sony did confirm that Steam account information was not compromised during the hack. Last week, PS3 players could link Portal 2 to their Steam account to gain access to extra features prior to the PSN going down. I was one of those players, but you can bet your sweet ass that I changed my Steam password ASAP. I suggest you do the same.

Hopefully the leaked information isn’t used maliciously, but obviously you can’t count on that so here’s what you can do right now to deal with Sony’s giant fuckup:

  • Change any passwords to your accounts that are similar to your PSN password.
  • Double check your credit card activity to make sure that nothing out of the ordinary is going on.
  • Be extra careful clicking links in emails – the most likely outcome of all this personal information getting out there is an increased amount of phishing attacks on unsuspecting people.
  • When the PSN comes back up, change your password.

It’s pretty much all you can do at this moment in time other than pray no one messes with your information. Yes, it’s a big pain in the ass, but it’s better to do this now than have to deal with getting your identity back or dealing with credit card fraud.

We can all thank Sony for being inept in network building and security for that inconvenience. For all Sony’s posturing on how the PSN was “free” compared to Microsoft’s Xbox Live, you can bet your ass that Microsoft is having a laugh at Sony’s expense right now.

We’re not even close to looking at the long term fallout of this disaster yet, but you can probably look forward to getting some more compensation in the inevitable class action suit. Time will tell just how big of a hit Sony is going to take in consumers’ eyes for future console and online content sales.

Oh, and for anyone who still cares, Sony hopes to have the PSN back up “within a week.” At this point, the last thing I’m sure people want to do is play their tainted video game consoles.


Nintendo Confirms New Console To Succeed The Wii

Originally published on lalawag

(image credit: IGN)

Remember that Christmas of 2006 where finding a Wii was akin to finding the Holy Grail at retail? Well, get ready to relive those fun times soon because Nintendo just announced that its new gaming console will come out in 2012.

From a note posted to its investors this morning:

To whom it may concern:

Re: Wii’s successor system

Nintendo Co., Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012 a system to succeed Wii, which the company has sold 86.01 million units on a consolidated shipment basis between its launch in 2006 and the end of March 2011.

We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles.

Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012.

(Gotta love their salutation: “To whom it may concern.” It really gives you a sense of warmth for investing in the company.)

While it’s not surprising that Nintendo has been working on a successor to the once-monolithic Wii, it does come as somewhat of a surprise that they will already have a playable version of the hardware (codenamed: Project Cafe) at E3 this year. But what’s the “gimmick” for this new system?

According to a quote in Reuters, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata hints that it probably won’t be 3D:

“We would like to propose a new approach to home video game consoles. It’s difficult to make 3-D images a key feature, because 3-D televisions haven’t obtained wide acceptance yet.”

If it’s not 3D, then what is it?

According to speculation by IGN, the controller will have “integrated touchscreens and be capable of streaming games to each controller.” Those who remember the VMU functionality of the Sega Dreamcast back in the late 90s will have an idea of what IGN is getting at, except the Project Cafe implementation will be far more advanced, with presumably HD color displays wirelessly streamed from the console and tighter integration with the games.

IGN’s sources also say that the console will be in full HD and more powerful than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360:

Additionally, IGN has learned that the system will be based on a revamped version of AMD’s R700 GPU architecture, not AMD’s Fusion technology as previously believed, which will, as previously reported, out perform the PlayStation 3’s NVIDIA 7800GTX-based processor. Like the Xbox 360, the system’s CPU will be a custom-built triple-core IBM PowerPC chipset, but the clocking speeds will be faster. The system will support 1080p output with the potential for stereoscopic 3D as well, though it has not been determined whether that will be a staple feature.

In terms of the design of the console itself, the overall size will be comparable to that of the original Xbox 360 and the system is likely to resemble a modernized version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

Hopefully, this won’t be too hard on our wallets. It sounds like Nintendo might not enjoy the same “budget priced console” market segment when this baby comes out.

via Kotaku


This Is The New National Song From Portal 2

With Portal 2 officially in stores today, we can finally hear the new The National track from the game, “Exile Vilify.” Unsurprisingly, the song sounds extremely mopey and downtempo. At least Matt Berninger writes about trials and “mind troubling.” That sorta sounds like what Portal is about.

Granted, I haven’t played through the game yet so I’m not going to comment more on the song in the game’s context. However, anyone expecting anything remotely resembling “Still Alive” needs to quickly reevaluate their expectations.

via YouTube – The National- Exile Vilify.


Some Dude Soloed Yogg-Saron In World Of Warcraft

Alright, this one may be just for me and those who have ever played World of Warcraft, but this video is pretty damn mindblowing.

Some dude killed one of the toughest raid bosses (Yogg-Saron, the tentacled, thousand moutheyes Old God) from the last World of Warcraft expansion by himself. This encounter used to take either 10 or 25 HIGHLY coordinated people and was the final boss of the game for a bit. I remembered doing this with a ten person group and still wiping for hours.

The real life equivalent would maybe be like an NBA player playing 1 on 5 vs, say, a high-school team. Yes, he’s a lot more skilled than the high-schoolers, but it’s still a cooperative team-game at heart.

Apparently it took him hours of trial and error to get the strategy and execution done right, but, by golly, he won in the end! I tip my hat to you, sir.


This Is One Of The Most Awesome Things Family Guy Has Done In Five Years

I’ll be the first to admit that Family Guy jumped the shark several years ago. But every once in awhile, they’ll put out an episode with a gem inside like they did this past week.

The setup is that Peter gets into a dispute with Lois’s favorite dry cleaner, Mr. WasheeWashee. Eventually they get into a fight in the old school Street Fighter 2 style. It’s admittedly very well done. Love how Peter says “tatsumaki senpuukyaku.”


They Are Making A Street Fighter Vs Tekken Game

Given that there’s a Street Fighter vs _____ game for almost everything these days, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Capcom and Namco are working on Street Fighter X Tekken. But I’d be lying if I said I knew of its existence before. It looks like a mashup between Tekken Tag Tournament and Street Fighter 4, which is shaping up to be pretty darn awesome if you ask me.

Also, after watching this trailer it’s no surprise why the Tekken fighters are such big pussies. They can’t shoot fireballs or sonic booms and shit so they get their asses kicked by some real fighters. I mean, look at this shit, they get beastified by the Street Fighter dudes. (Can you tell which game I was partial to as a kid?)

via IGN.