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New Radiohead Album, “The King Of Limbs” And Video Are Out

Looks like the Radiohead boys were itchy to get their new music out to the wild as they flipped the switch to download their new album, “The King of Limbs,” a day early. Before you get visions of “In Rainbows” and expect to download this album for free, know that the price of admission is $9 for an MP3 and $14 for the WAV files. You can still pre-order the “Newspaper album” (essentially a collector’s edition) version of The King Of Limbs that includes a download for a cool $48. It’s a little curious as to why they’re not selling a standard CD version or something tangible in between the $9 download and the $48 extravaganza. Consequence of Sound reports that there will be a standard CD/Vinyl release on March 28th, so why not get in on that pricing tier on their own band site?

I’ve given the 8 track album about two listens so far and I’m not exactly blown away. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, it’s just decidedly…Radiohead. Bear in mind that I’m the type of fan that likes to hear bands succeed at trying out new musical styles. That being said, I can’t really see myself springing for the Newspaper Album, despite wanting to own something collectible.

Give yourself a little sample with this video of “Lotus Flower”:


Sony Launches Cloud-based Music Streaming Service In The US

I want to pooh-pooh this, but I’m still kind of in awe that Sony beat both Apple and Google to getting a cloud-based unlimited music streaming service up and running. Granted, the only thing different it’s really bringing to the table is home theater functionality with the Playstation 3 and various internet-enabled TVs and Blu-ray players, but still, it’s interesting that this launched yesterday to almost no fanfare whatsoever.

Let’s just hope that the only reason Apple and Google are taking this long to put out their streaming music services is that they’re really making it something compelling to users.

From Playstation Blog:

In addition to PlayStation 3, you may also enjoy Music Unlimited on your network-enabled BRAVIA TV, Blu-Ray Disc player, Sony VAIO or other PC and coming soon to Sony’s other mobile devices, including PSP. Music Unlimited will be available later this afternoon Pacific Standard Time (PST) for 30-day free trial of the Premium service, with monthly subscriptions of Premium at $9.99 or Basic at $3.99. For more information about Music Unlimited, check out the press release.

via Access Millions of Music Tracks on PlayStation Network with Music Unlimited – Available Today – PlayStation Blog.


Eurogramer’s Xperia Play Android Hands On (“Playstation Phone”)

This whole “Playstation Phone” reeks of half-assedness by Sony. Not to take anything away from the Sony Ericsson guys, but it sounds like theres not a whole lot of synergy going on with them and the Playstation folks. I mean, they’re refusing to put any sort of official Playstation branding on the thing! What does that tell us? Probably that the Xperia Play is doomed to be a first generation flop due to the fact that the Playstation team really hasn’t finalized their mobile platform yet.

They’re going to need a whole lot more than emulated Playstation One titles and ported iPhone/Symbian game titles from Gameloft and EA to come up with a compelling reason to pick this phone because lets face it, you’re only getting this phone because you want to play games on it. Otherwise you’d get an iPhone or any of the more advanced Android phones.

I think the only way we’ll see a decent Playstation Phone is after the NGP becomes a reality and Sony finally gets their platform somewhat mature. Ideally this would mean adding phone functionality to the NGP, but that’s clearly not in the cards anytime soon. We’re probably at least a year and a half away from a “true” Playstation Phone.

Xperia Play may well be the best phone to play traditional games on, but it seems unlikely to divert the mobile market away from its focus on simple touch-screen games – unless Sony Computer Entertainment puts its considerable muscle behind the platform.

Will SCE insist on Xperia Play support as standard for all Suite games? Or will Sony Ericsson have to chase down developers individually, as it has done for the phone’s launch line-up? Just how integrated are the plans of Sony’s PlayStation business and its mobile phone manufacturer?

via Eurogamer – Xperia Play Android Hands On – Page 3 |


The Death Of The Music Industry Chart

I’m seeing this chart being passed around the last couple of days. Other than the CD sales peaks clearly being an aberration for the recorded music industry, I’m quite surprised that digital sales have picked up a significant amount of slack. Just from eyeballing, it looks like in 2009 digital sales made up about $2.5 million. Keep in mind this is 2009, when Amazon MP3 didn’t sell albums for $3-5 each. It boggles my mind the number of people who have bought digital albums or tracks from the iTunes store. I could never get behind paying what would amount to a convenience tax for digital files when I could own a CD and make them myself.

Imagine if the RIAA went digital in the late 90’s, early 00’s. To borrow an Arcade Fire lyric, they’d have mountains beyond mountains.

chart of the day, music industry 1973-2009, feb 2011

via Business Insider CHART OF THE DAY: The Death Of The Music Industry.


Mitch Hurwitz’s Guide To Getting A Sitcom Cancelled

So it looks like the UK is only just now having Arrested Development aired for them on television. Lucky them.

Anyway, as part of the promotional tour, creator Mitch Hurwitz did a little guide for The Guardian on “How To Get A Sitcom Cancelled.” Apparently he envisioned Arrested Development as “for British sensibilities,” which I actually believe. The humor always seemed too layered for the average American.

A couple of good ones:

Make easy jokes about minority groups

Whether they be Mexicans, Jews or homosexuals, any group can be dismissed with a few stereotypical cracks. At least, that’s what we tried to do. And given their “lack of coming to the party”, it seems we succeeded!

Squander iconic guest stars

As an example, Liza Minnelli has famously appealed to the homosexual audience. Note: it’s very important to alienate the homosexual audience first, or they might “come to the party”.

via Mitch Hurwitz’s Guide To Getting A Sitcom Cancelled –


Valentine’s Day Gift Buying Guide Video From Apeture Science/Valve

I did not know most of these facts about Valentine’s Day gifts.


Every Band on Tour Needs HelloGoodBye’s Magic Gaming Box

We always think of rock stars as having every luxury accommodation imaginable when they tour, but this obviously isn’t the case for bands that aren’t U2.

Joseph Marro, keyboardist/guitarist for the band HelloGoodBye wrote a guest piece for Kotaku talking about their tour setup for video games:

The remainder of the year, we’re in a trusty 15 passenger van towing a trailer full of gear. In said trailer are guitars, amps, merchandise, various cables, and the most importantly, the Mobile Gaming Unit.

The unit is comprised of a roadcase housing an Xbox 360, a 22-inch TV, a power conditioner, four controllers, and plenty of games. So precious, that it is the first piece of gear to be loaded out and the last to be loaded in. All one needs to do is flip up the top and plug it in. Perfect for dressing room gaming.

Also, I once played Halo in the back of the band Kill Hannah’s tour van.

They kicked my ass.

Read on Kotaku: Every Band on Tour Needs HelloGoodBye’s Magic Gaming Box.


11 signs you’re no longer a hard-core gamer

I was never much of a “system fanboy,” so that one doesn’t apply to me, but a lot of these qualities do. Sometimes I just want to play a game to feel awesome, which isn’t necessarily playing on the highest difficulty or online with really skilled players.

You prefer playing against the computer

Online gaming against real people has become depressing – it exposes your faded, spoon-sharp reflexes and you abhor the trash-talk from 12-year old fanboys. You prefer playing offline against the computer because a game’s algorithms are slightly more predictable. And, once you master the scripted patterns of play, you stand a real chance of being good… of actually winning. And that feels great, doesn’t it? Ranking second-bottom on a multiplayer leader board doesn’t.

Read More: 11 signs you’re no longer a hard-core gamer | News | TechRadar UK.


CircBoard for Xbox Redefines Console Typing

This is a really interesting idea to streamline text entry for game consoles when using controllers. Why didn’t Sony or Microsoft think of this to start with?

Unfortunately, I doubt this or any sort of new UI will gain enough traction this console generation unless Sony or Microsoft decide to upheave their consoles and incorporate it into a mandatory system update.


Activision Kills Guitar Hero

“Due to continued declines in the music genre, the company will disband Activision Publishing’s Guitar Hero business unit and discontinue development on its Guitar Hero game for 2011” –Activision financial statement

Perhaps “killed” may be too strong of a word, as I’m sure down the road someone will revive the franchise. It’s just too strong of a brand to write off forever.

Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg from December 2010:

“It’s no secret that not just Guitar Hero, but also Rock Band, and the music category in general, do not have the same mass appeal today that they did a few years ago,” he said.

“That said, I think that we would be foolish to not try and build on the strength of the Guitar Hero brand, because as you said, it’s a pretty strong brand with great recognition and great likeability, and there’s a lot to work with there.”

However, there’s no question we needed a break from the over-saturation of the franchise that Activision shoved down our throats the past few years.

Hope you liked what you have wrought, Uncle Bobby.

Read More: Activision kills Guitar Hero News – Page 1 |