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Pay What You Want For Girl Talk

Girl Talk Feed The Animals Album Cover

That’s some album cover, huh?

Girl Talk’s new album, Feed The Animals, is out today and much like Radiohead and Trent Reznor’s latest releases, it’s a “pay what you want” situation where you name your price to download the music.

If you’ve never heard of Girl Talk before, go ahead and pay the $0.00 to download Feed The Animals because it’s going to be the soundtrack to your next party.  It’s the art of mashups taken to a new apogee.  There’s over a hundred sampled artists/songs throughout the 14 song album.  Along with being an achievement in music composition, it’s also kinda fun just trying to name all the songs you know.  Trust me, hearing Kelly Clarkson’s Since U Been Gone matched with Nine Inch Nails’ Wish going into Radiohead’s 15 Step vs. Blackstreet’s No Diggity is something that is mindblowing.

For the legions of Girl Talk fans already out there, there’s some goodies for you if you hit some donation goals.  According to the Stereogum comments:

any price grants the download of the entire album as high-quality 320kbps mp3s
$5 or more adds the options of FLAC files, plus a one-file seamless mix of the album
$10 or more includes all of the above + a packaged CD (when it becomes available)

Download Girl Talk – Feed The Animals here

(Payments are processed via Paypal, so don’t be alarmed if you’re asked to put in your credit card number in a somewhat questionable text box)

A full list of songs sampled is after the jump.

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Where Potty Happens

big baby davis nba trophy larry obrien lol

Ladies and gentlemen, your 2008 NBA Champion Boston Celtics!

(Pic Credit: LOLJocks)


Firefox 3.0 Final Released

firefox 3.0 logo

As a blog dedicated to the betterment of humanity, I feel it is my duty to inform you, the grand hope for mankind, that the latest version of Firefox is now available for download.

If you want to know more about the release, Lifehacker has a great write up here.  All I know is that one of the new features added is called the “AwesomeBar.”  I didn’t really need any other reason to upgrade.

Oh, and I guess there’s some sort of push to break the Guinness Record for most downloads in a day on this or something.

Download Firefox 3.0

Direct download for Windows

Direct download for Mac

(you might have to keep trying on these, their servers are hammered)



alex rodriguez sad face

Looks like Alex Rodriguez should have been in those Cingular texting commercials where the little girl talks about texting her BFF Jill all the time. Except he would be texting his BFF Pete Rose.

According to a recent ESPN The Magazine article, A-Rod and baseball’s all-time hits leader developed a relationship in 2006 based almost entirely on text messaging:

By spring training in 2006, their text messages began in earnest. And A-Rod is a text-messaging fool. He’ll text Yankees players, coaches and staffers … even when they’re sitting 15 feet away in the same clubhouse. He’ll text “LOL” when something amuses him, and he’ll text 🙁 when he’s bummed.

No wonder Jeter and A-Rod don’t get along. Jetes probably didn’t return a text message one day and A-Rod acted passive-aggressive the next time they saw each other and the whole thing just snowballed into a full blown “I hate you” deal.


Review: Metal Gear Solid 4

metal gear solid 4 logo

(This review is written to avoid any sort of spoiler reveals)

Metal Gear Solid 4 presents an inner dilemma for me. Part of me wants to tell each and every person in the world who has a modicum of interest in video games that they need to go out and buy it immediately. The other, more reasonable part of me says to be more reserved in my recommendation.

I’ll do both.

Let me start by saying that MGS4 is without a doubt one of the best experiences I have had with a single player video game. If I had to rank it, it would probably be in my top 5 single player games of all time. Like many other people, I bought a $599 USD Playstation 3 for this game (and Final Fantasy XIII). If this was all the PS3 was good for, I’d say it was worth it. You heard me, MGS4 was worth $685 to me.

The problem is that it’s not going to have as a great of an impact on you if you’re new to the series. An analogous comparison might be that of Lost. The season 4 finale of lost was amazing and even if you don’t follow the show, you could see why. But you won’t get some of the references, and you won’t fully appreciate the events that take place simply because you don’t have the historical reference points that you would have if you followed the show from the beginning.

If you’ve played through any of the previous games in the series and enjoyed them, what are you waiting for? Go finish off the previous 3 games in the series and buy this one – you’ll have an unforgettable experience.

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Battle of the Bands for…A Game Soundtrack

attack the soundtrack logo

InstantAction, an action web-gaming destination powered by Garage Games, is running a competition for aspiring music artists to get their music featured on a game soundtrack. The competition is called “Attack The Soundtrack,” with finalists determined by a fan vote and the winner by a panel of “industry vets” including rapper, Fat Joe.

I’m curious as to which industry they’re talking about, music or gaming. As a connoisseur of both mediums, I’d actually feel better if the judges had backgrounds in game music supervising or design, rather than large rappers who “get it poppin’.” It’d also be cool if we knew more context of game the competition was for, so musicians could get a better feel for what types of songs would work the best.

Nevertheless, I like the idea of emerging game companies and musicians forming a symbiotic relationship. It’s a natural evolution in the age old “battle of the bands” competition. Hopefully in the future we can see game scoring competitions and the like. Who knows, maybe the next John Williams will get his or her start with video games.

Enter the competition here


EA Brings Fantasy Football To The Xbox 360 / Playstation 3

ea fantasy football title logo

EA’s looking to get into the fantasy sports market with the upcoming NFL season.  The company’s advantage in the crowded fantasy sports marketplace is their ability to integrate functionality with game consoles.

And integrate they shall!

Although pricing has been unannounced, EA will be selling software on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network for users to follow their fantasy football teams. (the web-based game will be free)

The main three advantages for the game console applications are:

  • Life drafting on the big screen if you have a local draft party – the game will upload the results to the web
  • Easy import of your fantasy team into Madden 09
  • Live scoring/team tracking

None of these features are revolutionary, but if the price is right it could be worth it if you have everyone over for a draft party.  Importing your team into Madden should be possible to do manually and the live scoring is nice, but having to constantly flip from your console input to the TV input is going to be slightly annoying – I’d rather just have a laptop or iPhone nearby.

EA’s biggest hurdle is going to be convincing existing players/leagues to relocate from ESPN/Yahoo/Sportsline/etc. to the EA servers.  With the main draw of the product essentially being a TV-output of the draft, I’m not so sure people make the leap.

View some more screenshots []


I Weep For Humanity

spore creature creator box picture

Many of you may heard of Will Wright’s upcoming “revolutionary” game, Spore.

Some of you may know that EA is selling the “Creature Creator” portion of the game later this week (for $9.95) so people can get a head start on making their own creatures for the game.

A few of you may have even downloaded the leaked demo of said Creature Creator which has 25% of the body parts for you to play with.

But I guarantee that none of you are prepared to view the creation in the video above. It scoffs at all of the amateurs who hastily created penis or even goatse creatures as their first creations. Instead, it serves as the torchbearer for what the human spirit can accomplish on the internet.

(video after the jump may be NSFW if you are in a very conservative environment)
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First Impressions and Unboxing: Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition

metal gear solid 4 limited edition

Well, I’m about 8 hours into The Reason You Buy A Playstation 3, and so far it does not disappoint.  I wanted to write up some quick impressions for y’all – for the record I’ve played all three entries into the Metal Gear Solid franchise along with the Portable Ops game on the PSP.

Here are my initial thoughts on the game:

  • The first 30 minutes of the game contain a LOT of “holy shit” moments
  • It feels like a 50/50 split between gameplay and cutscenes so far – this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the narrative is the strongest suit of the MGS franchise
  • Sometimes I feel that this awesome movie is being interrupted by a game
  • These cutscenes are the most amazing cinematic pieces ever in a video game – they probably surpass a good portion of Hollywood movies and TV shows too
  • Are people who’ve never played an MGS game really going to enjoy this as much as I have so far?
  • You can totally play this game like Call of Duty 4 and kill everything that moves with your M4 Carbine/P90 if you want to – ammo does not become a problem like it was in previous MGS games
  • There are a LOT of items/weapons to use – it feels a little overwhelming at times
  • I’m surprised at the variety of environments – I totally did not see these gorgeous locales coming
  • Why can’t Snake climb up obstacles that look like any Joe Six Pack could surmount?
  • Why aren’t there more hours in the day to play this game?

Was the limited edition of the game worth the $25 premium?  I don’t know yet, as you can see from the blu-ray case, it has spoilers so I’m not touching it until I finish the game.  My initial reaction is that of buyer’s remorse because $25 is a HUGE premium for a “limited edition.”  However, if this blu-ray disc delivers it’ll be worth it due to the cinematic nature of the game.  The audio soundtrack doesn’t hurt either – it’ll make driving on the freeway a little bit more epic.

(More pics of the unboxing after the jump)

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A New Internet Catchphrase Is Born

I don’t know how I missed this earlier this week, but Fox News anchor, E.D. Hill, calling Barack and Michelle Obama doing a fist bump, a “Terrorist Fist-Jab” is definitely one of the pottiest things I’ve heard all year.

Sadly, Ms. Hill has lost her show. On the bright side, she’s coined a catchphrase that will surely linger on the interwebs for years to come.