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Pottycast #1 – Coachella, Grand Theft Auto 4, Coldplay

That’s right, My Day Will Come is going audio!

In our inaugural podcast, I am joined by former radio DJ Dan Brody as we talk about Coachella, Grand Theft Auto 4, Buzznet, Coldplay, and more.

We’re working on getting the Pottycast on the iTunes directory, but in the meantime, if you want to subscribe through iTunes just go to Advanced -> Subscribe to Podcast and paste this URL in the box:

Then just make sure that your iPod/iPhone is set to sync the Podcast.


Coldplay To Give Away New Single For A Week

coldplay viva la vida cover art

Looks like Coldplay will be giving away their new single from their upcoming album Viva La Vida for one week starting tomorrow (4/29) at 12:15pm GMT. (8:15am PST/5:15am EST) now!

The song is called Violet Hill and judging from the album art and the new website, will be a lot more festive than your average Britpop ditties.

Here’s hopin’ for some maracas with that famous Chris Martin piano spazzing!

Download the new Coldplay single []


Steven Spielberg’s Boom Blox Looks Kinda Fun

After watching the above playthrough of Steven Spielberg’s Boom Blox on Wiitalia, I gotta admit the game actually looks pretty fun. The single player puzzle mode looks like a blast, while the multiplayer reminds me of both Jenga and a bizzaro world version of Jenga (where you want to knock all the blocks in a tower down). A good physics model looks to be implemented as well.

Sure, it’s a little questionable as to how much real involvement the vaunted director had on the game ‘s development, but if it gets more people to check out a good puzzler then so be it.

As to whether I would plunk down a full retail $50 for this Wii game at launch? Eh… I’d have to think about that one. If it were priced as an XBLA or PSN game at $10-$15, I’d be more than willing to give it a shot sight unseen.


Ticketmaster Fails Again

ticketmaster fail

When I went to buy my $9 Upper Deck seats for a Dodgers game last night, I didn’t expect to pay $327.50 per ticket in “convenience charges” to Ticketmaster.  I mean, sure, they routinely charge us almost 100% of ticket face values, but 3633% ? For cheap seats at a baseball game it seems just a tad excessive.

On the bright side, it looks like they comped the face value of the seats for me!


Potty Guy Takes Vacation Days To Play Grand Theft Auto 4

grand theft auto 4 vacation nerd time

I gotta give this dude credit (click the pic to enlarge) – it takes some cojones to flagrantly take 2 vacation days from your company and make a Grand Theft Auto 4 reference as your reason.

So paroxym from Shacknews, we salute you! For being potty guy of the week!

Read the thread []


Download The New Nine Inch Nails Single For Free

nine inch nails discipline single new cover art

No, that’s not a black and white version of Coldplay’s X&Y cover up there, it’s the cover to the latest Nine Inch Nails single, Discipline.  This ain’t no BS instrumental either,  we get to hear Trent Reznor’s soothing vocals layered over a 122 bpm bed.  It’s a vintage Nine Inch Nails song, fans casual and hardcore alike should be into it.

If you look within the ID3 tag of the single, there’s a cryptic note that says:

Go to May 5

Hmmmm, maybe more free tracks? An album release date?

You can get your own copy of discipline here.  All it takes is your email and you get a pristinely encoded VBR MP3.  Trent takes care of his fans.

Download Nine Inch Nails – Discipline []


Fred Durst Is The King Of The Potty Guys

This video speaks for itself.



Get A Head Start On Metal Gear Online Beta Registration

metal gear online

If you’re a good little video game fan like me, you’ve undoubtedly already pre-ordered a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 and received the Metal Gear Saga dvd with a Metal Gear Online beta key.  The beta will be available this Thursday, April 17th for download from the (new!) Playstation Store.

According to Playstation.Blog, though, you’re going to need to a Konami id in order to play in the beta (and also the full game).  The Metal Gear Online beta set up process on the PS3 will prompt you to create one via their web page, but lord knows how annoying it is to input text on the PS3 using the controller.  Fortunately, you can expedite the process by signing up for a Konami id here from the comfort of your own computer.

Yes, I’m wondering the same thing you are.  Why do we need to sign up for these extra ids to play the game?  Wouldn’t it be easier on poor gamers to just allow us to use our PSN accounts?

Read more details on the Metal Gear Online Beta []


Review: Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword (DS)

ninja gaiden ds logo

You know how a lot of DS games feel like they’re either Super Nintendo titles or could have been done on the Game Boy Advance?  Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword (NGDS) is not one of those games.  In fact, it’s pretty safe to say NGDS would not be possible on any other gaming platform.  It’s a unique title that every action game fan who owns a Nintendo DS should check it out.

NGDS takes place about 6 months after the events of the Xbox version Ninja Gaiden (or Ninja Gaiden Sigma if you were late to the party).  Personally, I can’t remember much of the plot of Ninja Gaiden since I played it about 5 years ago, but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with saving the Hayabusa ninja clan from evil fiends and demons from the netherworld.  NGDS has something similar with a kidnapped girl and the fate of the world blah blah blah.  Let’s be honest here, you’re not playing Ninja Gaiden for the plot.  You’re playing it to kill the shit out of dragons and ninjas as Ryu Hayabusa.  And believe me, you will be doing lots of that.

Read the rest of this entry »


Buzznet Acquires Idolator From Gawker Media

buzznet logo reports that music/social network site, Buzznet, has just purchased Idolator from Gawker Media.  This comes on the heels of the recent full acquisition of Stereogum at the end of March.

I must admit, these acquisitions have caught me off guard.  Last I checked, Buzznet was an emo-kid saturated Myspace wannabe.  Idolator and Stereogum, though, are two of the (if not the most) most visited and credible music blogs on the internet.  Having those two sites under your wing immediately makes you a major player in the online music content realm.

Buzznet insists that full editorial control will be retained by Idolator founder, Maura Johnston, and that the move will only provide more resources for the Idolator team.  One always has to take such statements with a huge lick of salt though.  Rarely does a parent company not exert it’s influence over an acquisition in some manner.  The fact that one of Buzznet’s key investors is Interscope Records does not exactly inspire confidence either.

As long as both Stereogum and Idolator maintain their unique identities, I don’t see a huge drop off in quality or readerships.  But it’s going to be mighty tempting down the line for Buzznet to tweak their breadwinners to better suit the conglomerate’s needs, rather than the individual blogs’ needs.  It’s a fine line that all media groups need to walk.

Something tells me I shouldn’t be holding my breath on this one though.

Read the press release []