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Grace Chen Walks Us Through The New Playstation Network Store

Playstation Network Store senior manager, Grace Chen, gives us a video demo of the newly redesigned PSN store on the Playstation 3, set to debut this Thursday, April 17th.

The fact that the new store is a native PS3 application is news to me and a welcome tidbit at that.  It looks like it’ll run very fast and have a slick presentation.  The instant trailer watching is a nice touch as well.

While the existing PSN store web-interface wasn’t unworkable, it wasn’t winning any awards.  This much-needed update looks to bring the PSN store at least on par with Xbox Live Marketplace.   It might actually surpass XBLA in performance, as I’ve noticed some very annoying load times there when scrolling down long lists.

With each update, Sony is slowly and quietly making the PS3 experience equal to Xbox Live.  We’ll see if and when they surpass Microsoft’s online platform.

0 Is Logical

last fm logo orly

In an overwhelming intellectual leap of faith, has concluded that allowing full-length track streaming has increased sales.

Since’s label deals allowed them to stream over five million full tracks for free, the site has seen its CD and MP3 Amazon referrals increase 119 percent. Some of the effect is due to an increase in overall traffic since the full songs showed up, but existing users of the site purchased 66 percent more music during the same period.

Did anyone ever harbor the illusion that 30-second track previews were really enough to sell people on a track purchase?  Sure, one could argue that maybe the right 30 seconds would be enough, but there’s no way of finding a “one size fits all” snippet for everyone.

Full length track streaming is the only way to go for online music purchasing.  It isn’t a replacement for owning the cd or file because you can’t put the music on your device – the end goal of most users.

Would you buy a car after a mere 30 second test-drive?  There is no way I’m spending my money on any music without hearing it in its entirety to make sure I love it.

Read more about’s conclusion []


Review: Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 (PSP)

crisis core final fantasy 7 logo

If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy 7 and own a PSP you owe it to yourself to play Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 ASAP. Just stop reading and head over to your favorite retailer and pick up a copy – you won’t be disappointed. If you’ve never played a Final Fantasy game before, or are on the fence about starting with this one, then read on.

Crisis Core is the prequel to what is considered one of the greatest role-playing games of all time, Final Fantasy 7. However, unlike other titles in the series, Crisis Core does not have a turn based combat system. Rather, you control one character (Zack Fair) in an almost real-time action title. Combat almost reminded me of my time with God of War: Chains of Olympus as there is a button to roll/dodge and one to defend. Quite often I would play encounters like I did with GoW, dodging and blocking judiciously. Make no mistake, though, the game contains elements that are undeniably Final Fantasy.

Read the rest of this entry »


Hell Has Frozen Over

hell frozen over

Wired’s Listening Post reports that Warner Music has a plan to charge people a flat fee on the ISP level for the right to download unlimited amounts of music on p2p networks without the threat of litigation.


I’m still in shock. Hath mine own eyes deceived me? Is this really happening? Someone should check on Bob Lefsetz – he might be in cardiac arrest right now.

Coming back down to earth, it looks like the plan is not very well thought out yet and there are a lot of questions still to be answered.

What is known is that Jim Griffin has been hired by Warner to create “an ASCAP for the internet, collecting fees from ISPs and divvying them up among rights holders.” In the same way that diners pay restaurant’s music licensing fees with each dish they order, ISP customers would pay a bit more per month for the right to download as much music as their hard drives can eat.

The very notion that someone at Warners gets it is pretty shocking to me. Yes, this is a solution that should have been put in place a decade ago, but as I’ve said before, this sort of rational thinking from a major label was unfathomable to us in the industry even just a scant year ago. There’s still the problem of getting the rest of the labels on board, but I’m pretty confident that once one of them has a good plan of execution in place, the rest should fall like dominoes.

Bravo Warners, bravo.



Full Lollapalooza 2008 Lineup Revealed


Doing it for more than just the lols, our friends over at stereogum have obtained the full lineup for Lollapalooza 2008 and it’s a doozy. The three day festival is happening at Chicago’s Grant Park from August 1st-3rd.

Here are the headlining highlights:

Rage Against the Machine
Nine Inch Nails
Kanye West
The Raconteurs

Looks like the “three shows and done” resolution for Rage Against The Machine was more like a “three shows and whatever festival will pay us” resolution.

Regardless, this is a fantastic lineup and is what Coachella should have been.  Personally, I’m pumped to see Margot and the Nuclear So & So’s among dozens of others.  It’s truly an indie music fan’s wet dream.

Tickets are on sale now on – looks like they’ve got 3-day passes for $190. No extra fees or charges, it’s $190 flat for all three days. Love their no bullshit stance on ticket fee prices.

Full band list after the jump.

Read the rest of this entry »


Stephen King Has His Head On Straight

stephen king

The world’s most famous horror author cum BoSox fan, Stephen King, moonlights as a pop culture columnist for Entertainment Weekly.  His latest post rails on a proposed Massachusetts legislation that would ban “violent video game” sales to anyone under the age of 18.

According to the proposed bill, violent videogames are pornographic and have no redeeming social merit. The vid-critics claim they exist for one reason and one reason only, so kids can experience the vicarious thrill of killing. Now, what does and doesn’t have social merit is always an interesting question, one I can discuss for hours. But what makes me crazy is when politicians take it upon themselves to play surrogate parents. The results of that are usually disastrous. Not to mention undemocratic.

King later brings up the example of the similar uproar in the 60’s over “unwholesome” comic books.  The comics code authority was established as a censor board to keep “inappropriate material” away from children.

Did censoring comics produce an entire generation of cherubic humans?  Does anyone give a shit about the CCA nowadays?

There’s simply no substitute for good parenting.  You can argue over the moral value or even artistic merit of video game content, but the fact remains that games are only one form of entertainment in our society.   Just like movies or comics or television, there are rating systems to help you, as a parent, determine what your kids should be consuming.

Of course, the optimal solution is to have a good knowledge of pop culture and to know your child’s interests and susceptibilities.  If you’ve done your job right, little 16 year old Timmy can play Grand Theft Auto IV and still grow up to be a doctor.

Trusting and expecting septuagenarian politicians to do your parenting for you is a sure-fire way to not win that daddy of the year award.

Read Stephen King on video games []


We’re Still Alive

Sorry for the lack of updates the last week.  I had a few issues upgrading the site to the new WordPress 2.5 platform.  It turns out that the new release broke quite a few things that weren’t quickly fixable.

On the bright side, the backend post-writing tools are a HUGE improvement over the previous version.  It’s a significantly easier process to post content now.  If you have a WordPress powered blog and haven’t upgraded yet I highly recommend it.  Being able to embed Flash videos painlessly is worth the trouble alone.

We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled posting.


Quake 3 Running On iPhone/iPod Touch?

I came across this video of a supposed Quake 3 port to the iPhone/iPod Touch yesterday. From my quick detective skills, it looks like the work of a Canadian developer from Hermitworks.

This could all be a complete fabrication for all I know, but goddamn do I want to believe its veracity. The framerate looks very smooth and bodes well for the iPhone/iPod touch as able gaming devices, at least graphically. The controls, on the other hand, seem to be pretty awkward for a twitch shooter like Quake 3.

I wouldn’t plan on beating fatal1ty on your iPhone, but at least you can say your phone runs Quake 3! We might have to update the age old tech gadget question to: “Yeah, but can it run Doom 3?”


Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 Acquired!

metal gear saga dvd pre order bonus

Well, I finally did my duty as a red-blooded gamer last night and pre-ordered my copy of the upcoming Playstation 3 blockbuster, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. As an aside, I gotta admit there is no more depressing time to be at a fairly isolated Gamestop than 15 minutes before closing on a random Thursday. There wasn’t a soul in the store and the employees looked more downtrodden than Eeyore.

Anyway, what got me out there was the awesome pre-order bonus that Konami is offering when you put down your $5. You get a DVD entitled “Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2” which is essentially a well produced (it better be since Hideo Kojima himself is credited as the producer!) recap of the previous games in the Metal Gear franchise. It runs about 30 minutes long and contains a lot of in game cutscene spoilers from the previous games. So if you haven’t played through the other games yet and don’t want it spoiled, you may want to hold off on watching this bonus dvd.

As someone who has played through every game in the series, though, it was a nice refresher to get me pumped up about the new game. It even includes all of the currently released Metal Gear Solid 4 trailers too! (Including the epic 16 minute trailer from E3 2006)

The other big draw of this pre order bonus is an enclosed code to download and play the Metal Gear Online beta in mid-April. If MGO is anything like the Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops online game was on the PSP, I can see it being forgotten in the annals as the PSP title was fairly boring. But, hey, it’s free and it has a shot at being decent given its pedigree. Lord knows the PS3 could use more exclusive multiplayer experiences.

All in all a GREAT package and a shining example on how to reward customers for pre-ordering titles.

metal gear 4 saga dvd pre order bonus


A History Of Hi-Def Gaming

is dat sum hdmi
If hi-def gaming gives you that funny feeling in your tummy, you might be interested in Wayne Santos’ new article on High-Def Digest.

Wayne goes through a retrospective of how we got to where we are today, gaming in high definition.

I will say that he forgets to mention Soul Calibur 2 on the Xbox. That was the first game i used to demo my shiny new HD TV back in the summer of 2005. It ran in 540P which was noticeably better than the 480p titles on the PS2/Xbox, but could not compare to the first generation Xbox 360 titles.

Read “The Long Road To High Definition Gaming” []