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Google Is Serious About Creating A Standard For Social Networking Widgets

open social logo
When I first saw that Google, Myspace, Yahoo, and others were forming the “OpenSocial Foundation,” I almost yelped for joy that someone had finally wised up and decided to create One Social Network to rule them all.  Honestly, there are just too many damn networks to be involved in, much less keep track of, these days.

Unfortunately, the foundation’s main goal is not to consolidate social networks. Rather it is to provide developers with a standard for building applications for use on the different social networks.

Much less exciting, I know.

Nevertheless, it’s still a Good Thing. Open standards are what the internet was founded upon, and it’ll make for a better experience for both developers and users.

Predictably, Facebook is not a part of the initiative, probably because they have the most mature and tenured platform for social networking apps already in full swing.

My first inclination is to draw parallels between the iTunes vs Playsforsure battle of Goliath vs the Davids.  However, this battle may not be a similar debacle, as the battleground is for a development standard and I think the developers themselves hold the final say in determining the victor.



Muxtape Lets You Make Online Mixtapes For Free

cassette label
Trolling the internet the other day, I came across a pretty awesome site called Muxtape.

Using a very simple and clean Web 2.0 interface with large text, you can upload up to 12 mp3 files (each no more than 10 mb) to create your own online mixtape that anyone online can stream.

Though the site specifies that you have to own the rights to share the song and that you shouldn’t upload multiple songs from the same album or artist, there is no enforcing of any sort of rules.  Down the road, I can imagine some Luddite record labels getting their panties in a bunch and start threatening Muxtape with lawyers and such.

I hope not though, this is a site that we music fans sorely need.

I’ve put up some of my favorite singles of the year so far at the My Day Will Come Muxtape and will continually update it as I come across stuff I love.

Listen to the My Day Will Come Muxtape []


Don’t Worry Buckethead, Axl Will Share His Dr. Pepper With You

axl rose dr pepper

In a completely random maneuver, Cadbury Schweppes America Beverages is offering a deal to embattled Guns N’ Roses frontman, Axl Rose. If Axl can finish the oft delayed new GNR album, Chinese Democracy, anytime in 2008, the company will give everyone in the US (except for Slash and Buckethead – well played Dr. Pepper) a can of Dr. Pepper.

Axl has already responded to the press release on the Guns N’ Roses website:

If there is any involvement with this promotion by our record company or others, we are unaware of such at this time. And as some of Buckethead’s performances are on our album, I’ll share my Dr Pepper with him.

You know, I may be a jaded music industry expatriate, but of things I first thought of when I saw the press release, contrived label promotion did not cross my mind. Maybe I’m getting naive, or maybe i just want to believe in how awesome Dr. Pepper is because it’s my favorite soda.

Regardless, a high-five to the marketing dude at Dr. Pepper for thinking up these shenanigans. It’s unique and random in a way that’ll get people talking without being trite. It’s a helluva lot cheaper than buying TV ads too.

Minus points, though, for not ponying up the $10 for a domain to host the blog. Was the budget that low?

Read the press release []


New Weezer Song “Automatic” To Debut On Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Soundtrack

I never really cared much for Gran Turismo soundtracks, because usually when I play Gran Turismo it is serious business and I need to turn off the music.

However, yesterday, SCEA announced that a remix of a brand new Weezer song, “Automatic,” would be included in the soundtrack (“mixtape”) for the upcoming US release of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.

Everyone hungers for new Weezer material and the above clip showcases both the game and the song.  I can’t say I recognize Rivers’ voice in the song, but I think I’m liking what I hear. It certainly fits a driving mood.

It’ll be interesting to see if the LA Riots did some heavy remixing to the vocals or if it’s a new direction for Weezer.

Read the full mixtape list []


Guitar Hero: On Tour For Nintendo DS – Really?

Doesn’t the above ad for Guitar Hero: On Tour disturbingly remind you of those oozinator commercials from a couple years ago?

Earlier this week, Activision announced an upcoming Nintendo DS version of their oversaturated venerable Guitar Hero franchise. It’s no secret I’m not a fan of Activision’s desire to milk the once innovative Guitar Hero series for all the short term money it can before tossing its charred husk into the infernal furnace of irrelevance, but I’ll admit the fret buttons add-on they’ve devised for the DS version looks fairly intriguing. I was expecting a touch screen equivalent, but having actual physical buttons will go a long way in simulating the “real” Guitar Hero experience. It looks a bit awkward to hold and strum though, much like reading a book one handed.

Some of the “new gameplay features,” though, are a little suspect.

Fans can also join together to play co-op mode using a local wireless network, or battle each other in a Guitar Duel using new Battle Items unique to the DS platform. For example, players must blow into the microphone to extinguish a pyrotechnics effects gone wrong, or use the touch screen to autograph a crazed fans shirt in the middle of their set.

Really? Blowing into the DS microphone “to extinguish a pyrotechnics effect gone wrong”? Such shenanigans might have been neat in 2005 for the launch of the DS when it was called Feel The Magic XY:XX, but in 2008 for a music rhythm game? No.

We’ll see this summer if it’ll work out.


Rumor: Apple Considering An Unlimited Music Subscription Option For iTunes?

itunes unlimited music
Several other blogs have picked up on the Financial Times story today that Apple is talks with the major labels in offering an all-you-can-eat music consumption option for iPod/iPhone users through iTunes.

I was actually just wondering about this earlier in the morning as I read Tycho’s latest Penny-Arcade post. It isn’t the best solution for the music-savvy since it most certainly would involve DRM and less than optimal encoding/bitrates. HOWEVER, there are just so many iPod/iTunes users out there that even a DRM hobbled unlimited music subscription model HAS to stick with a significant number of people, right?

Past research and consumer data has “shown” that subscription models have not resonated well with the public. But what if that’s just due to a small userbase? Keep in mind, only Windows Media devices currently have access to subscription music. Who knows how the general iPod owning public would respond to such an offer?

My money’s on it being a raging success.

Read the Financial Times article (warning: requires registration) []


New Death Cab For Cutie Single – “I Will Possess Your Heart”

death cab for cutie i will possess your heart cover
I got an email from my friend Chris this morning letting me know that the new Death Cab For Cutie single has hit the airwaves (literally and virtually).

Entitled “I Will Possess Your Heart,” the track clocks in at a whopping 8:35. Those expecting to hear another “Soul Meets Body” may want to temper those expectations as this song is less poppy than previous DCFC tunes. Be prepared for a very long intro. (over 4 minutes!)

Nevertheless, when Ben Gibbard’s soothing voice enters the fray, you can’t help but feel all is right in the world again.
Buy the track from Amazon


The Raconteurs Announce New Album, Follow Trent Reznor’s Lead


Taking a page out of Nine Inch Nails’ recent simultaneous announcement/release of their new album, The Raconteurs have announced that their new album, Consolers of the Lonely, will hit every possible outlet next Tuesday, 3/25.

“Album” meaning: full length vinyl, CD and digital formats; and “everywhere” meaning: local mom and pop Indie retailers, corporate superstores, supermarkets, iTunes, Amazon, the band’s own website and any other location that could get the record up and going this quickly

Personally, I think this would have had more impact had the announcement been day and date with the actual release, but it’s still a great development for the music industry. The tired old model of promoting an album months in advance via radio singles, press reviews, etc. of the actual release needed to go. As a music fan, nothing pissed me off more than reading and hearing about new material that I couldn’t own. That frustration often led people to pirate leaked copies of records because, well, that’s the only way you could hear the new material! Along with providing a good alternative to pirating new material, simultaneous availability also brings a bit of excitement back to the music industry, something that it sorely needs.

Hey, if it works for Apple and Nvidia, why not for music as well?

Read the full press release for The Raconteurs’ new album []


Limewire Launches Irrelevant Digital Music Store

limewire fail
It looks like Bob Lefsetz’s favorite P2P software solution has decided to go legit.  Limewire has opened up a digital music store with a virtually no differentiation from the other music solutions out there.  They’re selling tracks a la carte for $0.99 while also offering eMusic-like monthly plans consisting of 25 tracks  for  $9.99 and 75 tracks for $19.99.

A quick search for The Decemberists yielded a disappointing result of only two tracks.  If Limewire is not offering anything new in terms of music availability or price, what’s the point of even investing the capital to launch the store?

P2P blog reports:

the company has plans to integrate context-based links into the client itself so that people who are searching for a certain song will have the option to buy it legally.

If I’m pirating music and I feel guilty about doing it, I guess I could see how this could theoretically be a convenient way to “go legit.”  However, in reality, I just don’t see this being practical.  Most of the music that is pirated (read: music people have heard of) isn’t even available for sale on the Limewire store.  Discerning users would rather buy from an established store with greater selection or just buy the CD.

Also, if this is Limewire’s main differentiating feature from the competitive digital music retailing market, they’ve got a lot more problems than worrying about the generosity of music pirates.

Read more about Limewire’s store launch []


Nintendo? More Like N’SYNCNDO Amirite?

nintendo money hats
Looks like Nintendo of America is really printing that money now. Joystiq reports that last week’s mega-super-ultra-blockbuster release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl is the fastest selling US Nintendo title of all time with first week sales of over 1.4 million copies and first day sales of 875,000.

N’Sync still holds the first-day CD sales record with 1.1 million for No Strings Attached in 2001, but that was at the absolute pinnacle of the CD sales era for the music industry. Today, first day sales of even 200,000 would be considered a raging success. If Brawl‘s sales numbers today are comparable to the glory days of the music industry, what’s going to be possible in upcoming years? Let’s not forget that gross revenue of Wii games are five times what music CD’s are.

Nintendo sells record number of Brawl copies []