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Angels Trade Cabrera For Garland

Apologies for the tardiness on writing about this, but I’ve had other pressing things to do lately.

A couple of days ago, the Anaheim Angels traded Gold-Glove winning shortstop Orlando Cabrera for Chicago White Sox starting pitcher, Jon Garland.  As an Angels fan, the only way this deal makes sense is if this was to acquire trade chips to flip a bigger deal down the road.  I’m clinging onto that belief, because as it stands it does nothing to fix the problems of the team, namely hitting.  The Angels aren’t getting bounced in the first round of the playoffs every year because of terrible pitching, they’re getting bounced because the dudes simply can’t hit in the postseason.  Watching the games last season, Cabrera was the second most clutch guy in the lineup last year behind Vlad.  He batted .302 and won the Gold-Glove at shortstop.  Don’t get me wrong, Garland is an above average pitcher, but the Angels have a gaggle of above average pitchers.  Between Lackey, Escobar, Weaver, Saunders, Santana, and Mosely, there just isn’t room in the rotation for any more pitchers.  Especially at the expense of a key batter.

If this deal gives us what it takes to land a Miguel Cabrera that’ll be perfect.  I can deal with Erick Aybar at short if it means a huge bat like Miguel Cabrera is batting behind Vlad.  On the other hand, I sincerely hope Tony Reigans isn’t thinking about Miguel Tejada as the power solution because he is as powerless as the Queen of England these days.

(Also, my mind is trying to put the names of these players in a transitive Frankenstein.  Orlando Cabrera Cabrera Miguel Miguel Tejada.  Is there a player named Orlando Tejada?)

Angels Trade Cabrera []


Review: Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy is the best Mario title in over 15 years. It may very well be Nintendo’s finest achievement in video game creation. It is certainly the best game available on Nintendo’s Wii and is reason enough to justify owning the system. The game adeptly captures the essence of what makes video games fun and does so without compromising gameplay variety, difficulty, or control scheme.

I wasn’t originally planning on writing a review for this game, but my time with Super Mario Galaxy last week quickly transformed from a perfunctory interest into a burning desire to fully complete every level and obtain every star. And obtain every star I did. I write to you now the triumphant collector of all 120 stars in Galaxy and feel adequate enough in writing a review on the game.
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Marvel Comics Joins The Digital Age

Last week, Marvel comics unveiled its new digital comics service, “Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited“. Users who pay the $9.99 monthly fee (or $4.99 a month with a 12-month contract) will have access to full-length digital scans of over 2,700 comics from Marvel’s illustrious catalog, including such iconic titles as Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four. The comics will be viewable only in your web browser via flash. So far, though, only the first 100 or so issues of those titles are available. The publisher promises to add new comics every week, albeit only older titles. It has instituted a rule that only comics older than six months will be available online, presumably to not draw the ire of every comic retailer on the planet.

I applaud Marvel for dipping their feet into the digital distribution arena. Piracy is a serious problem in the comic industry, more so than the music industry because a majority of a comic’s value comes from the first read. Digital scans of comic books proliferate p2p sites everywhere and are more likely to represent lost sales because once you have read a comic once you are a lot less likely to read it again and again, whereas a large part of a music file’s value is being able to play it whenever you want and wherever you want. This is a big reason why I am not too perturbed by currently being limited to reading the comics only through your web browser. More often than not, when you’re reading your comics you’re sitting in a home or place with a computer anyway. Reading a comic on an iPod or even an iPhone would be pretty painful given the medium’s reliance on large art panels and carefully crafted page breakdowns to tell a story.

Where it would get interesting, though, is if a portable e-book reader like Amazon’s Kindle were to get an upgrade with full color and maybe a larger screen. That would represent a full-fledged paradigm shift in the industry if you could take and buy your comics wherever you wanted. You could pay a subscription fee or even buy the comics a la cart and have them downloaded via a 3g or 4g network. This would probably result in the demise of the brick and mortar comic book store, so some compromise (such as a paper copy + digital copy bundle) would have to be worked out.

But goddamn. Just thinking about that gives me a huge geek boner.

Check out the service [Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited]


Bono Talks About And Sings Along To Unreleased U2 Song

Well it’s holiday shopping season again and you know what that means. Bands/record labels re-releasing old albums with a smidgen of new content in an attempt to get people to re-buy their favorite albums. I had thought U2 to be above this sort of thing but apparently they’re not. In fact they’re taking it one step further and going CAPCOM on us by re-releasing The Joshua Tree in a 2 CD deluxe edition and also a 2 CD/1 DVD box set Limited Edition Super Deluxe.

Fortunately, this re-release seems to have some substance as it contains 14 unreleased songs from The Joshua Tree recording sessions. The Limited Edition Super Deluxe will also have a DVD of a 1987 gig the band did at the Hippodrome de Vincennes in Paris. Since I’m a sucker for high quality video of live U2 performances, I plunked down my $47.99 to pre-order the Limited Edition Super Deluxe. I can’t help but feel shitty for doing so though.

The video above is Bono explaining and singing along to one of the unreleased tracks, Wave of Sorrow. I’m not terribly impressed by the song, but then again, it’s pretty hard to get a good impression from an embedded video of Bono singing along with a tape in the background.

Waves of Sorrow []


Radiohead Cover The Smiths, Joy Division, Bjork, Also Engage In Hilarity

Yesterday evening, Radiohead turned on the webcams for a sexy striptease show another one of their zany webcasts. Every few years or so, the band fills the interweb tubes with silly skits, band member DJ’ing, and live performances.

Performance highlights included covers of The Smiths – Headmaster Ritual (which is the embedded video above), Bjork – Unravel, and Joy Division/New Order – Ceremony. The band also played a few songs of their own, including a couple from their new album In Rainbows. By far the most memorable skit for me was the edit of the ending of the movie Se7en. Morgan Freeman opens the box at the end of the movie to find… a Thom Yorke head singing 15 Step! wat.

Pearly * from the Mortigi Tempo boards has up an excellent compilation of highlights from the broadcast with downloadable mp3s and videos to boot!

Download and watch the highlights [Mortigi Tempo]


LOLinator Translates Websites To Normal Internet Speech

This fun little site will take a website and make it a necklace a page full of deliciously funny lolcat speech.

Something I discovered is that this wondrous invention actually makes Lefsetz Letters into readable posts.


Michael Jackson is White on Both Sides


Ebony has scored the first interview with Michael Jackson in over a decade.  The interview will be run in the December 07 issue of the magazine, with Jackson on the cover.  Honestly ‘d be surprised if Jackson is even coherent throughout the interview.  The dude has been the butt of many a South Park episode/SNL Skit/one liner since the turn of the millennium.  He hasn’t made relevant music in well over a decade.  His appearance at the World Music Awards last year looked positively awful.  And now there are rumors of him working with and 50 Cent on a new record? Come on.  Yes, I know he made Thriller, but that was over 25 years ago.  He went crazy about 15 years ago and now it’s too late to recapture the talent he had.  Just give it up already MJ and leave us with the memories.

Judging by that headline and that cover, though, there is a shocking secret part of Africa filled with native white men wearing white suits.  I’m pumped to read this issue, because this is the first I’ve heard of this phenomenon.  How did they keep this hidden African oasis secret for so long?

Michael Jackson in Ebony [Reuters]


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Demo Impressions

Sony has done a lot to piss gamers off since the Playstation 3’s launch, but they seem to finally be getting their act together by concentrating on fixing the biggest problem – the lack of good fucking games to play. Since waking up at 6am to fight the holiday shopping crowds for a Playstation 3 last December, I’ve used my PS3 very little. There’s a layer of dust over the system that I could draw pictures on with my finger. That’s changed the last month, though, with the release of Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune.

Uncharted has been on and off of my gaming radar over the past year or so. I first saw a trailer of the game late 2006. The graphics looked pretty impressive, but I had no idea what the game played like. Other people were immediately slapping “game of the year” and “Sony’s best first-party title” labels on it. Shills they may be, but the hype at least piqued my interest in the game.

Fast-forward one year later and I still had no idea what the game was like. Reading the interweb only gave me the impression that the game was “Tomb Raider, but with a dude instead of Lara’s tits”. Fortunately, the 1200MB demo hit the Playstation Network earlier today, allowing me to finally see if this game was worthy of the hype.

The short answer is yes.

I’ve had a chance to go through the demo a few times and have been quite impressed. The game combines tight, responsive controls with gorgeous graphics, realistic human animations, and challenging (but winnable) combat to create one of the best games I’ve played this year. A simple way to describe the gist of the game would be to say that it’s an amalgamation of Gears of War, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. If the full game delivers on the puzzle solving element and continues the solid combat and platforming from the demo, I’ll be ready to proclaim it the best title on the Playstation 3 thus far and the best reason to finally take the PS3 plunge.

Read my detailed impressions after the jump

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Kid Rock Calls Bob Lefsetz Out

I’ve been an avid subscriber to the Lefsetz Letter for a couple of years now. At first I was surprised and impressed by the insight Bob showed in his hourly/daily/weekly rants about the shortcomings of the music industry. As time went on, though, it quickly became apparent that the dude just regurgitates the same things over and over again with RANDOMLY capitalized words. One can only read about Bob’s emo ski trips so many times before wanting to take a toaster into the bathtub.

However, I keep myself on the mailing list, simply for the entertainment value when Bob makes an over the top sexual connotation or when celebrities write in. I just received this lovely letter from Kid Rock to Bob:

Im sure its difficult to sit on the bench while us folks play in the big game. Your a failed musician with a big mouth.

You try to make a name for yourself with half ass opinions based on everyone who is actually trying to do something in music. Yet you do NOTHING but talk. See you on the streets you punk ass mother fucker!!!

Kid Rock

I, for one, would love to see Kid Rock duke it out with Bob. Unless Bob has been taking secret Karate lessons over at the Cobra Kai Dojo, his only shot would be to challenge Mr. Rock to a grammar-off. Sadly, I haven’t really been keeping up with how the kids score those these days. Are more points deducted for random capitalization of WORDS or for improper use of contractions and verb tense?


When Nerds and Gangsta Rap Collide

ice cube graph

Taking a page (card) out of indexed, some brilliant mathematician has made a number of LOLtastic graphs based on hip-hop song lyrics. Who knew using Microsoft Office could be so fun?

(Warning: intelligence and rough knowledge of rap lyrics required for the LOL’s)

See the funny here [ gRAPhs]

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