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What Media Companies Need To Start Doing

Marco Ament talking about media piracy :

Relying solely on yelling about what’s right isn’t a pragmatic approach for the media industry to take. And it’s not working. It’s unrealistic and naïve to expect everyone to do the “right” thing when the alternative is so much easier, faster, cheaper, and better for so many of them.

The pragmatic approach is to address the demand.

Again, the best way of combating piracy is by making it an undesirable alternative to buying the content legitimately. People don’t care about “release dates,” they want the content when they want it. You can either capitalize on that customer as early as you can or lose sales to piracy.

via Right versus pragmatic –


The Oatmeal Tried To Watch Game Of Thrones

It continues to baffle me why content providers are still giving people reasons to pirate their content. They should be making piracy the least appealing option.

I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened – The Oatmeal.


The Far Cry 3 Trailer Has Amazing CGI

The only two things I could think of when watching this trailer were “Holy shit, game CGI graphics have come a long way!” and “Wubwubwubwub yeahhhhh drop that bass.”

(For the record, I enjoyed Far Cry 2. It doesn’t look like this sequel has anything to do with the previous games, though. Then again, you can’t really divine much from this movie trailer, anyway, as there’s no gameplay shown in it.)


Hardcore Dance Dance Revolution Movie Is Real

Rob Bricken for Topless Robot:

The finest dystopian Dance Dance Revolution-themed gang war movie ever made.

via Topless Robot.



J. Kenji Lopez-Alt for Serious Eats on how Anthony Bourdain gets restaurant recommendations:

Bourdain’s slightly more rascally approach? Invoke “nerd fury.” Hit up any message board with an active international or travel community, and rather than simply asking them for advice, outright lie to them.

Get online and write something along the lines of, “hey guys, I just had the absolute best chicken rice at [restaurant x] in Singapore, no questions asked, hands down, everything else pales in comparison,” then sit back and enjoy the show as the internet foodie elite each jump into the fray to defend their own picks to the death. You’ll get a much bigger response, more passionate praise, and it’ll probably end up being a little fun to boot.

Love it. Who knew that “troll-sourcing” would be ever be a solution for anything in life? God bless the internet.

via Serious Eats


The First Seven Pages Of Avengers Vs. X-Men

It sounds like something that should get comics fans wet with excitement, but Marvel’s upcoming super event, “Avengers Vs. X-men,” rubs me the wrong way from the get go. Maybe it’s because I’m not a kid anymore and not “in the demo” for superhero comics, but the thought of reading the comic book equivalent of mashing two action figures together to “fight” doesn’t sound too appealing to me.

The whole story just feels to me like a shameless pandering project set to capitalize on the upcoming release of The Avengers movie in May. Reading the first seven pages of the first issue didn’t change that viewpoint.

Read the preview of ‘Avengers Vs. X-Men on Comics Alliance


The David Choe Stern Interview

This interview is very long, but once you start listening to it, you won’t even notice the time going by. Plus, it’s the weekend, so you’ve got the time.

You’ll be absolutely enthralled by David Choe because he’s the honey badger of artists. He doesn’t give a shit about “normal” conventions or the decisions that normal people would make. He plays by his own rules and is completely candid with Howard. He tells stories about his time incarcerated in a Japanese prison where he had to bash his head in to cause a visible injury so the warden would take him to a hospital for internal bleeding treatment. He’ll tell you how he came to paint the walls of the original Facebook offices and how he came to the decision to choose shares in the company as payment rather than hard cash. There are some vulgar moments where he talks about sex and masturbation, but it’s all part of his profile.

It’s the most fascinating interview I’ve heard or read in a very long time.


Gotham City Imposters

Earlier this week, I wrote down some impressions from playing the Gotham City Imposters open beta for ComicsAlliance (read them if you are so inclined). After playing a little bit of the final version, I haven’t changed my opinion much. I’m a little disappointed that there aren’t any other gametypes other than Fumigation, Psych Warfare, and Team Deathmatch. I was hoping for some other really creative gametypes to complement them, but perhaps Monolith decided to just focus on getting the three that they had right. All three are fun and substantial, so at least there aren’t “filler” gametypes that no one will ever play.

There’s a couple of other differences that I noticed right off the bat. The first is the addition of many (I’m talking 100+) microtransaction pieces. They’re all vanity-related and don’t affect gameplay, but there’s a few pieces of flair that are only obtainable via extra purchases. This may or may not annoy you, but I personally don’t mind.

The other big difference is the addition of a single player challenge mode, which tasks players with moving around each of the 5 levels using the glider, grapple, and skates. You can earn up to three different medals on three tiers of challenges which also award you XP. It’s an elegant way of incorporating a “training” mode where players can learn how to maneuver around using the gadgets while also giving an incentive to spend time there rather than learning on the fly. I dig it.

At $15, I still think the game deserves a good, long look if you’re into team-based shooters with oodles of unlockables. It’s almost as robust as the multiplayer components for full retail games, but at a fraction of the cost.

Gotham City Impostors Beta Impressions on ComicsAlliance

Download Gotham City Imposters on Xbox Live (It’s also available on the Playstation Network for PS3 and Steam if you own a PC)


Of Monsters and Men – Little Talks

Great six-piece Icelandic folk band that I’ve been listening to a lot recently. Love the video’s Monty Python-esque animation style.


Double Fine’s Adventure Game Kickstarter

Keeping the scale of the project this small accomplishes two things. First and foremost, Double Fine gets to make the game they want to make, promote it in whatever manner they deem appropriate, and release the finished product on their own terms. Secondly, since they’re only accountable to themselves, there’s an unprecedented opportunity to show the public what game development of this caliber looks like from the inside. Not the sanitized commercials-posing-as-interviews that marketing teams only value for their ability to boost sales, but an honest, in-depth insight into a modern art form that will both entertain and educate gamers and non-gamers alike.

I’m surprised it’s taken this long for a major game developer to crowdsource funding for new projects (niche musicians have used it in years past to fund new albums), but who better to capitalize on both nostalgia and goodwill than Tim Schafer’s Double Fine Productions. The man has made some of the most cherished games of my childhood (Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango) and I’m sure as hell excited to back a project that will attempt to revitalize the dying genre.

In just a few hours after posting the Kickstarter page, Double Fine has already got half of its $400,000 funding goal (the original deadline was over a month!) for a genre that is supposedly incapable of selling in this day and age. Hopefully, this will serve as proof to the industry that games don’t have to head down the same path as Hollywood movies are in milking tired franchises year in and year out.

At this point it’s really only a matter of time before we see a Kickstarter for Psychonauts 2…

(Don’t forget to watch the video on the top of the Kickstarter page. It’s very entertaining.)

Update (2/9):

We did it! 100% funded in just over eight hours. You people are amazing! But it’s not over yet. The number keeps going up and now the question is just how much news do we want to make with this? We’re getting a lot of attention already and it seems like this little project could have an impact beyond itself.

All money raised will go to make the game and documentary better. Additional money means it can appear on more platforms, be translated into more languages, have more music and voice, and an original soundtrack for the documentary, and more!

Your backing and comments have been truly inspiring to me and the team, so on behalf of Double Fine and 2 Player Productions I want to say THANK YOU!!!


Double Fine Adventure by Double Fine and 2 Player Productions — Kickstarter.