Playstation Move in LittleBigPlanet 2

The only reason I’ve seen to own a Move so far is the Killzone 3 Move  control mode. It might take a lot more than that to sell people on the technology.

From IGN’s Review of LBP2:

I’ve seen a lot of people asking how PlayStation Move works in LittleBigPlanet 2, and the short answer is “It doesn’t.” It isn’t broken; it just isn’t in the game. Sackboy’s Prehistoric Moves (a Move game available right now on the PlayStation Store) is on the disc, but that’s it. At the moment, LBP2 doesn’t use the motion controller at all but it supports it for future additions.

Read: LittleBigPlanet 2 Review – PlayStation 3 Review at IGN.

About Andy Yen