Steven Spielberg’s Boom Blox Looks Kinda Fun

After watching the above playthrough of Steven Spielberg’s Boom Blox on Wiitalia, I gotta admit the game actually looks pretty fun. The single player puzzle mode looks like a blast, while the multiplayer reminds me of both Jenga and a bizzaro world version of Jenga (where you want to knock all the blocks in a tower down). A good physics model looks to be implemented as well.

Sure, it’s a little questionable as to how much real involvement the vaunted director had on the game ‘s development, but if it gets more people to check out a good puzzler then so be it.

As to whether I would plunk down a full retail $50 for this Wii game at launch? Eh… I’d have to think about that one. If it were priced as an XBLA or PSN game at $10-$15, I’d be more than willing to give it a shot sight unseen.

About Andy Yen