Music industry hyperbole-sensei, Bob Lefsetz viewed the new U2 3D movie on IMAX recently and has wasted no time in
imparting his CAPS LOCK LADEN opinion to loyal Lefsetz Letter readers.
Don’t go to the Website, don’t watch the trailer, stop reading this right now and get your ass to the THEATRE!
Apparently he enjoyed it. So much so that he did what is quite possibly the pottiest thing a human can do at a movie theater:
I thrust my arm in the air and sang along even though Felice and I were the only people in the theatre!
Much love to Felice who was probably shaking her head at lil’ Bobby.
That being said, I’ve viewed the film myself and I must say it was simply amazing. 3D films have an unfair stigma of being cheesy/corny/gimmicky, but this film is certainly none of those things. It’s the closest experience to actually being at a live music concert. Now, that may seem like a trite statement, but I mean it in full earnest. The 3D effects in the film are tastefully done, so much so that you almost don’t even notice them there. It just feels natural. Yet you’ve never experienced something like it before. That, my friends, is a true mark of innovation.
I’ve seen U2 four times and each time I waited 8 hours in front of the venue in order to get a prime spot in the pit for the show. Does the movie match that experience of the concert? Of course not, there’s just no way to replicate the vibe, the intensity, the MUSIC of being there in person. But you could argue the experience of the movie might exceed that of being in the nosebleed seats, and Lefsetz, in fact, does mention this. I got goosebumps and chills while viewing the movie as if I was at a real U2 show.
While I can’t bring myself to slather on anymore hyperbole, I will say that Lefsetz is right about this one. Whether or not you like U2, do yourself a favor and go see this film. You won’t regret it.
Read Lefsetz on U2 3D [lefsetz.com]