airborne toxic event Archive


New Airborne Toxic Event Single – “Changing”

I gotta say I’m a little nonplussed by the Airborne Toxic Event’s new single, “Changing.” A couple of years ago, “Sometime Around Midnight” really connected with me. It had the perfect blend of melody with emotional gravitas and an amazing climax. (“then you walk under a streetlight…”) I still get chills listening to that song today. “Changing” just makes me think of a generic mid-nineties modern rock band.


The Airborne Toxic Event @ Troubadour, LA 3/03/08

“Hi, we’re an unsigned band from Los Angeles,” introduces The Airborne Toxic Event singer/guitarist, Mikel Jollett, to the frisky and diverse sold-out crowd at the Troub.

Two songs into the set, you would have been hard-pressed to believe that this Los Feliz quintet wasn’t signed by a Major or Major Indie (your Merges and Sub-Pops of the world), much less completely unsigned. Joined on stage by Noah Harmon (bass), Steven Chen (guitar/keyboard), Anna Bulbrook (viola), and Daren Taylor (drums), the soft-spoken Jollett crooned with his Morrissey-esque baritone and we soaked it in. The band members weren’t just going through the motions like so many other typical indie-xerox bands. They were playing with stage presence, with exuberance, with gracefulness.

This was not your ordinary hype-band.

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