assassin’s creed Archive


Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Developer Walkthrough Video

Honestly, I’m a little burnt on the Assassin’s Creed franchise.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the gameplay and the plot of the series has been fairly fascinating, but Ubisoft’s planning on releasing Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood barely a year after the last title came out.

Since there’s no new number in the title, it may be confusing as to what Brotherhood is exactly. Essentially, it’s a continuation of Ezio’s story from Assassin’s Creed 2. However, a multiplayer mode has been added along with a more robust territory/army building metagame.

Much like Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, you can recruit assassins, send them on missions, and upgrade them like Pokemon. It’s an interesting wrinkle in the series, but I’m not sure it’s that compelling to draw me back into the the world of the Renaissance again.

Perhaps you’ll be more inclined after watch the developer walkthrough above.


Review: Assassin’s Creed

Odi et amo. I love and I hate. No blockbuster game this holiday season has created a big of a schism between gamers as Assassin’s Creed has. Much brouhaha has been unleashed upon the internet gaming community between the two entrenched camps of people who either loved the game or hated it. Regardless of critics’ opinions of the game, the fact remains that Ubisoft Montreal’s big-budget production is one of the most anticipated games of 2007.

From the time I viewed the incredible initial trailer of the game, I had it filed away under my short list of “must purchase” game titles this year. As release date neared, though, the increasingly negative buzz that emanated from early reviews and word of mouth nearly swayed my decision. However, after tempering my expectations and finding a great deal on the game ($39.99 from Fry’s), I took the plunge anyway. I’m not regretting the purchase one bit.

While being far from perfect, Assassin’s Creed is still a genuinely entertaining video game title. The presentation, graphics, animation, and plot are some of the best seen on the medium. However, several flaws keep it from being the true “must-play” experience it was hyped up to be. Nevertheless, Ubisoft has a great first entry in what should become one of their flagship franchises.
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