avengers Archive


Joss Whedon Thanks His Fans

I can think of few other directors today who engender a similar amount of fan passion that Mr. Whedon does. The fact that he took the time to write a sincerely grateful, yet humorously self-deprecating post to his biggest fans after the biggest domestic movie opening weekend of all time speaks volumes to why he’s so beloved.

Joss Whedon interviewing himself:

RDA: What do you feel is the greatest achievement of “the Avoiders”?

JW: Getting “mewling quim” out there to the masses. Also, Hulk.

For the record, I had to look up what “mewling quim” means and when I did I could do nothing but smile and give Joss a mental high five.

Well played, sir. Well played.

via Whedonesque.com.


The Avengers Theatrical Trailer

F. and Yes.

I see what they did there by setting the trailer to Nine Inch Nails’ “We’re In This Together.” (because they’re a team of super heroes.)

I’m a little disappointed that we don’t get a glimpse of Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill even though she isn’t a “name” actor like the rest of the star studded lineup, but what can you do. I’m also talking myself into ScarJo as Black Widow. Probably because she doesn’t speak at all in the trailer.  I don’t want to set expectations too high, but based on this trailer and Joss Whedon’s track record, I think we might all have good reason to geek out next May – comics fan or not.