You Can Now Change Your Origin ID Like A Normal Person

Originally, I was going to launch into a tirade on how ridiculous it was that the only way to change your Origin (EA) ID was to download the iPhone or Android version of Scrabble and deep dive into the option menus within the app.

You read that correctly.

It took an creative thinker on Reddit with an almost encyclopedic knowledge of EA software on multiple platforms to solve a seemingly trivial problem.

Why is this so important? Well, as most of us found out last week during the Battlefield 3 beta, the game uses your Origin ID as your only unchangeable identification within the multiplayer experience. It’s fine and dandy if you picked an appropriate nom de plume to begin with. Unfortunately, if you made the same decision I did and had your real full name as your Origin ID, you probably felt out of place on the Battlefield 3 scoreboard next to folks named “n00b_K1ll3r_69” and “HOT BLOOD FART.”

Googling and forums wading at the time basically said that your only recourse was to spend 30 minutes on live chat or phone with EA customer service to maybe see what they could do.

Did Not Want.

Fortunately, someone at EA convinced someone else that resources were worth putting towards a “real” solution and as of this afternoon, you can now change your Origin ID with a simple form on origin.com.
