capcom Archive


Ghost Trick Now Available on iOS

The only thing keeping Nintendo and Sony handheld systems relevant in the age of iOS/Android gaming is the fact that they offer high quality game experiences that can’t be replicated elsewhere. Of course, there are certain console titles that play just as well, if not better, on touch screen only devices, Scribblenauts Remix being one of them and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective being another.

Capcom’s finally released Ghost Trick on iPhone/iPad as a universal app (with iCloud saved games enabled!) today. I haven’t actually played through the original version on Nintendo DS yet, but hear it’s a pretty good game. It’s a detective adventure game where you try to solve your own mysterious deaths as a ghost. There’s a bunch of parallels with the Phoenix Wright series, if you’ve ever played those.

You get the first two chapters of the game as a free download, and can purchase the rest in app for $9.99. It’s a pretty good steal, given the fact that Ghost Trick just came out barely a year ago as a $29.99 retail Nintendo DS title. Plus, you’re arguably getting a better gameplay experience as you don’t need to use a silly stylus or carry around a Nintendo DS with you.

I’m midway through the first chapter now and will most certainly be buying the rest.

Updated Protip (2/3): The iCloud interface is really ambiguous and scarily written. (“There is a chance that you might lose your progress” on both options?? Come on Capcom!) I’ve tested it, though and you want to hit “Sync iCloud backup data” to upload your current save to the cloud. Tapping “Sync this device” brings the save from the cloud down to whichever device you are using now.

Download on iTunes


The Resident Evil 6 Reveal Trailer

Yes! A Resident Evil set in a dense modern urban environment! President Zombie!

I don’t care that it’s looking more like Gears of Evil 6 than a “true” survival horror game. Resident Evil has never truly been terrifying to begin with and I, for one, welcome a franchise that’s willing to change its formula for the sake of gameplay.

Plus, did you see that part in the game where Leon slides like he was a skinny Steven Seagal and kneecaps some zombies? Tell me that’s something you don’t want to be a part of.


New Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Trailer Shows Off Super Skrull, Dormammu

God, I can’t wait for this game.

As someone who grew up on Street Fighter and Marvel Comics, Capcom’s (X-Men/Marvel) Vs. (Street Fighter/Capcom) franchise has always held a special place in my heart. It also tickles my inner nerd seeing not-so-mainstream villains such as Dormammu or Super Skrull get playable character status.

Something about the pseudo-3d graphics feels a little…sterile to me, though. I know it worked for Street Fighter 4, but my gut wishes that they would have gone with super hi-resolution 2d animation based off of a genuine comic artist’s work.

Oh well, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 still looks like incredible fun.

While the trailer may seem like a shitshow to the uninitiated, there’s actually a methodical way to play this game. It doesn’t take too long to process what’s going on and once you do it’s immensely satisfying to pull off those 16 hit air combos and/or fantastical super moves.


Review: Apollo Justice Ace Attorney

apollo justice
Apollo Justice is Capcom’s fourth entry into its venerable Ace Attorney series of handheld video games. It also represents a couple of firsts as well. It’s the first title in the series to not feature spiky-haired Phoenix Wright as the main protagonist and it’s also the first title in the series designed from the ground up for the Nintendo DS. (the previous three were designed for the Game Boy Advance)

If you’ve never played an Ace Attorney game before, a good way of describing it would be to draw parallels with TV shows.  It’s a nice blend of Law and Order with CSI with a touch of character drama that you might find on a show like Lost or Heroes.   You play as a budding young defense attorney who will not only have to stand his ground in a courtroom, but will also have to do a little detective work in investigating crime scenes and questioning witnesses.  Each game in the series is divided up into seemingly separate cases (usually 4-5) at first, but by the end you’ll notice that many of the characters and events are connected with each other in a larger way.

Despite a protagonist and character cast change, Apollo Justice doesn’t stray too far from the formula established by previous games in the series.  It does, however, provide a natural evolution of the investigative portions in the game by incorporating DS touch controls.  Fans of the franchise will definitely want to pick this one up.  It’s also a great jumping on point for newcomers who like to read courtroom/crime investigation dramas.

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