Denis Dyack Wants To Finish The Too Human Trilogy

I’m of the opinion that the (recent) history books don’t look upon Silicon Knights’ Too Human favorably mostly because of Denis Dyack’s hubris in promoting the title. I mean, when you take a bet on your game’s metacritic score with the NeoGAF forum users, you’re just asking for trouble.

The actual game itself wasn’t that bad, though. I had great fun with it; it’s more like a modern day Diablo meets God of War kind of hybrid using the Unreal Engine. While I can’t remember much about the game’s plot (other than some mythical Greek God references) since I played the game 3 years ago, I do remember liking the gameplay enough to be in on any sequels they would have made are going to make.

However, let’s be real though, if Dyack wanted to make a Eternal Darkness sequel, I would encourage them to drop any other project and just do that shit. Eternal Darkness might be one of the best games I’ve ever played. Genuinely terrifying with an epic storyline spanning centuries and family lines – just thinking about the game gives me chills.

And while we touched on the subject of XM:D during the half hour, the first questions I had for Dyack were about his studio’s last major release, Too Human. Primary among them: Is the Too Human trilogy dead? “No, not at all,” Dyack told me. “It is still on the table and we do plan on finishing the trilogy.”

via Silicon Knights’ Dyack on Too Human: ‘we do plan on finishing the trilogy’ | Joystiq.