fail Archive


Limewire Launches Irrelevant Digital Music Store

limewire fail
It looks like Bob Lefsetz’s favorite P2P software solution has decided to go legit.  Limewire has opened up a digital music store with a virtually no differentiation from the other music solutions out there.  They’re selling tracks a la carte for $0.99 while also offering eMusic-like monthly plans consisting of 25 tracks  for  $9.99 and 75 tracks for $19.99.

A quick search for The Decemberists yielded a disappointing result of only two tracks.  If Limewire is not offering anything new in terms of music availability or price, what’s the point of even investing the capital to launch the store?

P2P blog reports:

the company has plans to integrate context-based links into the client itself so that people who are searching for a certain song will have the option to buy it legally.

If I’m pirating music and I feel guilty about doing it, I guess I could see how this could theoretically be a convenient way to “go legit.”  However, in reality, I just don’t see this being practical.  Most of the music that is pirated (read: music people have heard of) isn’t even available for sale on the Limewire store.  Discerning users would rather buy from an established store with greater selection or just buy the CD.

Also, if this is Limewire’s main differentiating feature from the competitive digital music retailing market, they’ve got a lot more problems than worrying about the generosity of music pirates.

Read more about Limewire’s store launch []


Eliot Spitzer’s Got Nothing On This Guy

Today’s Penny-Arcade post had me guffawing at the sheer ridiculousness of some of our public servants.  It looks like a local Texas county District Attorney is under investigation for using taxpayer money to build what can only be described as an “uber-l33t” gaming computer for use as a “backup” server.

The computer – equipped with two hard drives, seven fans, high-end video and audio cards, a wireless Internet connection and cables that glow under ultraviolet light

Give the guy a break!  It must get awful boring down there in Rockwall County, why not flaunt your e-penis a little?  Next to $4,300 hookers, this might even sound… wholesome.


Guitar Hero: Van Failen Edition?

Saw over on Kotaku that Activision CEO Bobby Kotick may have let it slip out that a future iteration of his beloved hit franchise, Guitar Hero, would be a Van Halen-centric affair much like the recently announced Guitar Hero: Aerosmith.  I’ve already been over this with Bob Lefsetz, but it bears repeating again:


Activision’s already run the once venerable Tony Hawk franchise into the ground with yearly sequels that have diluted the game so much that no one gives a shit anymore. Now it looks like they’re about to do the same with the Guitar Hero franchise in half the time. (Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is scheduled to come roughly six months after Guitar Hero 3) Take a look at Microsoft’s Halo if you want to see a franchise done right. There’s been two sequels since 2001’s Halo: Combat Evolved and each one has been a megaton event game of the year selling record numbers. Do you think the Halo brand would be nearly as strong if they cranked one out every 6 months with new levels being the only difference?

Yes, Activision should do what it can to keep the momentum of the sudden Guitar Hero craze, but they should do it with tactics similar to how Harmonix or Bungie are supporting their games – affordable and regularly available new downloadable content or, in the case of Bungie, listening to the community and tweaking/refreshing/adding game playlists. You could even figure out something new!

Whatever you do, just don’t bombard us with $60 “new” games that simultaneously insult and revolt a big part of your core audience.


I Can’t Believe You’ve Done This

In a move that even our British internet video friend would not accept, the RIAA is now claiming that MP3s that you have ripped from CDs you have purchased are unauthorized copies. That’s right, the very existence of digital music in the-file-format-which-must-not-be-named is an affront to all that is lawful and just. Forget about the fact that RIAA lawyers have already admitted ripping CDs for personal use is legal. Hypocrisy is only a speed bump on the path to oblivion.

I know I said I would not be surprised at anything the record labels do anymore, but come on. Really? Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the real record labels have anything to do with the RIAA anymore other than in name. As clueless as the major record label heads are, there is no way any sane person can fail to see what a detriment to health of the music industry the RIAA is. What exactly is it trying to do here? Even if they win every pending lawsuit, do they really think people are going back to buying cartloads of $18 CDs just like the good ol’ days?

Nay, the RIAA is a monster that is out of the control of those who have created it. But unlike horrific human creations such as the Cylons or Terminators, the RIAA becomes less terrifying and more cuddly with each action it takes.

via [gizmodo]

via [recording industry vs. the people]