funny videos Archive


Portal Kombat Mashes Up Portal With Mortal Kombat

These bros couldn’t decide what to get on April 19th with the release of both Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat, so they decided to make a game trailer out of both of them. It’s pretty amazing how well the two titles go together from the way both titles combine so well to the actual gameplay mechanics. I mean, fatalities that “think with portals?” Too perfect.

(Alright, so I meant to post this when Portal 2 came out a month ago (already!), but dropped the ball on it until now. Still, it’s pretty entertaining even if you saw it on April 19th and haven’t seen it since.)


I Weep For Humanity

spore creature creator box picture

Many of you may heard of Will Wright’s upcoming “revolutionary” game, Spore.

Some of you may know that EA is selling the “Creature Creator” portion of the game later this week (for $9.95) so people can get a head start on making their own creatures for the game.

A few of you may have even downloaded the leaked demo of said Creature Creator which has 25% of the body parts for you to play with.

But I guarantee that none of you are prepared to view the creation in the video above. It scoffs at all of the amateurs who hastily created penis or even goatse creatures as their first creations. Instead, it serves as the torchbearer for what the human spirit can accomplish on the internet.

(video after the jump may be NSFW if you are in a very conservative environment)
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Fred Durst Is The King Of The Potty Guys

This video speaks for itself.
