gamestop Archive


Link Xbox Live to… GameStop?

Gamestop SVP/GM of Digital, Shawn Freeman to Ars Technica:

“By providing an opportunity for our sales associate to sell the games themselves to consumers, we can drive more of those sales,” he said. He then gave what he calls the “classic example,” where a customer comes in for the newest Call of Duty game and GameStop can sell the map pack or add-on content as a part of the same purchase. The person selling the game can talk up the digital content, and Freeman says this removes some of the “friction” of buying the content. You don’t have to go home, buy points, and then buy the content; you just add a digital download it to your existing purchase.

How about the “friction” of having to get in your car and driving to a GameStop location as opposed to 2 minutes of typing and clicking on your computer?

How about the “friction” of having to deal with a snotty GameStop employee who tries to bludgeon you into preordering games a year in advance when all you want to do is buy something and leave the store?

Snarkiness aside, getting customers to set up a link between their console profile and GameStop’s retail system isn’t going to be any easier than simply educating them how to purchase DLC from their own console. If they’re smart enough to connect their console to the internet, they’re smart enough to figure out how to use the online marketplace.

The biggest problem with downloadable content sales is educating the masses of ignorant people on the availability of downloadable content and how to purchase it. These are the people that are going to GameStop and buying point cards. Adding another middleman connection between them and the content isn’t helping anyone except GameStop’s profit margins

Read: Link Xbox Live to… GameStop? Buy in store, it’s waiting at home.


Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 Acquired!

metal gear saga dvd pre order bonus

Well, I finally did my duty as a red-blooded gamer last night and pre-ordered my copy of the upcoming Playstation 3 blockbuster, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. As an aside, I gotta admit there is no more depressing time to be at a fairly isolated Gamestop than 15 minutes before closing on a random Thursday. There wasn’t a soul in the store and the employees looked more downtrodden than Eeyore.

Anyway, what got me out there was the awesome pre-order bonus that Konami is offering when you put down your $5. You get a DVD entitled “Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2” which is essentially a well produced (it better be since Hideo Kojima himself is credited as the producer!) recap of the previous games in the Metal Gear franchise. It runs about 30 minutes long and contains a lot of in game cutscene spoilers from the previous games. So if you haven’t played through the other games yet and don’t want it spoiled, you may want to hold off on watching this bonus dvd.

As someone who has played through every game in the series, though, it was a nice refresher to get me pumped up about the new game. It even includes all of the currently released Metal Gear Solid 4 trailers too! (Including the epic 16 minute trailer from E3 2006)

The other big draw of this pre order bonus is an enclosed code to download and play the Metal Gear Online beta in mid-April. If MGO is anything like the Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops online game was on the PSP, I can see it being forgotten in the annals as the PSP title was fairly boring. But, hey, it’s free and it has a shot at being decent given its pedigree. Lord knows the PS3 could use more exclusive multiplayer experiences.

All in all a GREAT package and a shining example on how to reward customers for pre-ordering titles.

metal gear 4 saga dvd pre order bonus