Geoff Johns Is A Wordsmith Of The Highest Order


That’s it. Geoff Johns is officially my favorite super hero comics writer. The former assistant to Richard Donner has scribed what is unequivocally the most entertaining story told in the comic medium this year.

I just finished Green Lantern #25, the final chapter of “The Sinestro Corps War,” and my mind is blown to bits of brain matter. Disappointing endings have become a disturbing trend in entertainment these days. Not for this epic space opera. It’s hard to imagine a better payoff to a 6 month storyline than what the Green Lantern creative teams have given us here. GL #25 may very well be the best single comic issue in years.

Troy Brownfield over at Newsarama has nailed down most of my feelings about the story in his review:

Green Lantern #25 stands out as an adrenaline-fueled kick. I can envision Geoff Johns pounding away at the keyboard, cackling with glee. This is a giant popcorn movie on paper, a summer film that ran all the way until Christmas. It’s probably not going to change the course of human history. It’s not Pynchon or Joyce. But it’s a very entertaining, action-packed burst of cathartic “it’s time for the good guys to lay the beat down” energy.

And then, of course, there’s the icing. The last two pages are reserved for what’s become one of Johns’s favorite tricks since Justice Society of America #1. If you see that trailer and don’t either laugh in appreciation at the audacity of it or drop your jaw in “That’s crazy!” admiration, then you’re no fun at parties.

Green Lantern #25 is exactly what it should be: a bold, splashy, unabashedly over-the-top cosmic super-hero entertainment of epic proportions.

If you enjoy any of the following: space operas, comics, super heroes, or action movies – you owe it to yourself to read this instant classic.

Read Newsarama’s review of Green Lantern #25 [newsarama]