george clooney Archive


The Cohen Brothers Are Funny Again

With all of the brouhaha over last year’s No Country For Old Men, it’s hard to remember that the Cohen Brothers actually have some chops making comedies.  The above trailer for their upcoming film, Burn After Reading, will remind you what it was like to smirk, nay, grin again.

On an anticipation scale of 1-3, I’ll give this one a “Maybe Want.”


George Clooney Can Predict The Future

This year’s Oscars were serviceable if uninteresting. Stewart was good, but not particularly memorable. Which, I guess, is a pretty solid performance. None of the awards got me riled up except for a slight twinge when No Country For Old Men won out over There Will Be Blood for Best Picture. Personally I thought There Will Be Blood was far and away the best picture of the year, but I’m fine with No Country For Old Men as it would have been my second choice. At least Atonement didn’t win.

What really saved my Oscar watching experience, though, was being involved in an Oscars pool. Of course I failed miserably, but it definitely made the show more interesting. Only after the fact did I discover that along with being the coolest guy on the planet, George Clooney is also an expert at picking Oscar winners.

Mein Gott. He was on the fucking dot in every category! He didn’t pick the right actresses, but he did talk about them in depth on the little blurb in that Time article.

Is there anything this man can’t do?

Read George’s picks []