Every Band on Tour Needs HelloGoodBye’s Magic Gaming Box

We always think of rock stars as having every luxury accommodation imaginable when they tour, but this obviously isn’t the case for bands that aren’t U2.

Joseph Marro, keyboardist/guitarist for the band HelloGoodBye wrote a guest piece for Kotaku talking about their tour setup for video games:

The remainder of the year, we’re in a trusty 15 passenger van towing a trailer full of gear. In said trailer are guitars, amps, merchandise, various cables, and the most importantly, the Mobile Gaming Unit.

The unit is comprised of a roadcase housing an Xbox 360, a 22-inch TV, a power conditioner, four controllers, and plenty of games. So precious, that it is the first piece of gear to be loaded out and the last to be loaded in. All one needs to do is flip up the top and plug it in. Perfect for dressing room gaming.

Also, I once played Halo in the back of the band Kill Hannah’s tour van.

They kicked my ass.

Read on Kotaku: Every Band on Tour Needs HelloGoodBye’s Magic Gaming Box.