kid icarus Archive


Kid Icarus 3DS Control Problems

Uh oh.

Perhaps I take back what I said yesterday about Kid Icarus: Uprising. Control issues tend to point to fundamental problems with game deisgn that rarely get fixed in time for launch.

We can always hold out hope though…

From IGN’s preview of Kid Icarus: Uprising:

The controls proved to get in the way during our sampling, though. You control Pit through a combination of button and stylus controls. You move Pit via the analogue pad (the “3D Slider,” as Nintendo calls it), aim by moving a curser around with the stylus, and fire with L. You can hold down L for a continuous stream of fire, or you can release L momentarily to charge up a more powerful shot. On the ground, you can perform a melee combat attack by getting close to enemies. You can also make Pit do an evasive dash by tapping the analogue pad in a given direction.

Our problems centered on the fundamental control system: it’s just tough to move Pit around while consciously pressing the L trigger and also thinking about aiming. It almost feels like the game would be easier to control with a Wiimote and nunchuck pair.

Read: Kid Icarus Soars on the 3DS – Nintendo 3DS Preview at IGN.


Kid Icarus: Uprising Gameplay Video From Nintendo World 2011

Aerial gameplay reminds me of Panzer Dragoon or Space Harrier while the ground battles look like a really fast paced 3D Zelda meets Metroid hybrid.

I had a chance to see a non-interactive video of Kid Icarus:Uprising on the 3DS at E3 last year and suffice to say, it looked pretty nice with the 3D depth of field. This could definitely be a killer launch title for the 3DS.

Although with the reported 3-4 hours of battery life of the upcoming handheld system, I kind of wish they would have just released a proper console instead.