Kid Rock Calls Bob Lefsetz Out

I’ve been an avid subscriber to the Lefsetz Letter for a couple of years now. At first I was surprised and impressed by the insight Bob showed in his hourly/daily/weekly rants about the shortcomings of the music industry. As time went on, though, it quickly became apparent that the dude just regurgitates the same things over and over again with RANDOMLY capitalized words. One can only read about Bob’s emo ski trips so many times before wanting to take a toaster into the bathtub.

However, I keep myself on the mailing list, simply for the entertainment value when Bob makes an over the top sexual connotation or when celebrities write in. I just received this lovely letter from Kid Rock to Bob:

Im sure its difficult to sit on the bench while us folks play in the big game. Your a failed musician with a big mouth.

You try to make a name for yourself with half ass opinions based on everyone who is actually trying to do something in music. Yet you do NOTHING but talk. See you on the streets you punk ass mother fucker!!!

Kid Rock

I, for one, would love to see Kid Rock duke it out with Bob. Unless Bob has been taking secret Karate lessons over at the Cobra Kai Dojo, his only shot would be to challenge Mr. Rock to a grammar-off. Sadly, I haven’t really been keeping up with how the kids score those these days. Are more points deducted for random capitalization of WORDS or for improper use of contractions and verb tense?