mobile games Archive


Review: Judge Dredd Vs. Zombies (iOS)


What could be a more fun iPhone game than shooting the crap out of zombies as a badass postapocalyptic British lawgiver? Turns out, there’s quite a bit of alternatives. I had the opportunity to review Judge Dredd Vs. Zombies for Comics Alliance late last year and while the core gameplay was competently fun, it was sucked dry by the hollow presentation and shameless difficulty due to a freemium model-friendly unlock system.

If you’re looking for an epic Judge Dredd gaming experience based on the comics, let’s stop right there. This is not the game for you. While the word “zombies” in the title could imply a tie in to Garth Ennis’ epic “Judgment Day” zombie storyline, Judge Dredd vs. Zombies involves nothing of the sort. The closest you get to a story is a single briefing screen telling you that Zombies have infested Mega City-One and that Judge Dredd is the “Solution.” In fact, other than scattered badges and the occasional logo in each level, the only sights you’re going to see are Judge Dredd, zombies, and generic looking building interiors. To be fair to the developer, though, it’s what was promised in the title and by golly that’s exactly what’s offered.

Read my full review on Comics Alliance here


Quake 3 Running On iPhone/iPod Touch?

I came across this video of a supposed Quake 3 port to the iPhone/iPod Touch yesterday. From my quick detective skills, it looks like the work of a Canadian developer from Hermitworks.

This could all be a complete fabrication for all I know, but goddamn do I want to believe its veracity. The framerate looks very smooth and bodes well for the iPhone/iPod touch as able gaming devices, at least graphically. The controls, on the other hand, seem to be pretty awkward for a twitch shooter like Quake 3.

I wouldn’t plan on beating fatal1ty on your iPhone, but at least you can say your phone runs Quake 3! We might have to update the age old tech gadget question to: “Yeah, but can it run Doom 3?”