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Sneak A Peak At Gmail’s New Interface

A new video demonstration of some of Google’s planned changes to the Gmail interface has leaked to the interwebs.

It’s nothing mindblowingly different, especially if you’ve taken part in “previewing” the new Gmail look over the past few months, but there’s some welcome new changes such as a display density changing option and a more “conversational” view for message threads.

Don’t plan on dropping your jaw, but do plan on letting out a positive “hmph.”



Video Review: New Xbox 360 Silver Controller With Transforming D-Pad

**Updated 11/11 with fix for the mirrored video from the previous embed. Plus a neat little title!

So you may or may not have heard that Microsoft is putting out a new controller for the Xbox 360 on November 9th. It’s got a nice silver finish and has newly contoured joysticks and a magical transforming d-pad that will help you pull of shourykens a lot better.

I got my hands on one last week and have put together a mini-review video below.

TL;DW – It’s a nice improvement and worth the money if you were planning on getting a new controller or need one with a good d-pad. It’s not a ZOMG BUY THIS NOW purchase, but you won’t want to go back to the old one once you’ve gotten it.


The Holiday Video Game Season Is Here

It’s started a little later than usual for me this year, but this past Tuesday marked the official start of the “every week there will be an awesome new game released” season. (Yes, Halo Reach was released in mid-September, but there was just such a long gap between that and this week that I’m going to consider that like having dessert an hour before the buffet line opens.)

This week we had three solid retail titles come out: Fallout: New Vegas, DJ Hero 2 and Vanquish. Next week we’ll see Fable 3. The week after is the Kinect launch week as well as Call of Duty Black Ops. Then the storm really comes with Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye, Epic Mickey, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Gran Turismo 5, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, then OH MY GOD THIS IS NEVER GOING TO END.

Read the rest of this entry »


Trent Reznor’s New Band How To Destroy Angels Is Not For Me

Trent Reznor, I love you, but you’re bringing me down. With your music, that is. Honestly, it just isn’t that great.

I’m not trying to hate; I honestly just haven’t really liked anything you’ve put out since Year Zero. Remember that Nine Inch Nails song, “Wish”? That song kicks so much ass, I just want to hear something new like that. But your new stuff’s gotten more experimental, downtempo, inaccessible, and for lack of a better word, “meh.” I gave your new band/project, How To Destroy Angels, a shot because of your pedigree, but I’m sad to report that the underwhelming single “A Drowning” is the best song on it.

That being said, I still love your acceptance and knowledge of how to distribute your wares on the internet. You provide pristinely encoded mp3s for the low, fair price of an email address. You make it easy for us to tweet, blog, facebook, and share your music without treating us as thieves. I’m glad you’ve offered me the chance to come to my musical conclusion by sampling your music for free.

I am sure there are people out there who enjoy your new musical direction and I don’t fault them for it. It looks like you’ve already “sold out” a $50 tshirt package on your merch site, so congratulations on that too. It’s just that I don’t think your music is for me anymore.




Listen To New Kanye West (Feat. Dwele) – Power

Kanye’s new track “Power” leaked on the internet earlier today and it’s pretty fresh-sounding. Co-produced by underground Dallas beatcrafter, Symbolyc One and featuring R&B singer Dwele at the end, “Power” is a return to “College Dropout” form for our favorite “douchey” rapper/producer.

Most of the talk is going to be about the King Crimson sample of “21st Century Schizoid Man”, but I love the dirty drum beat juxtaposed with an African chorus chant.  It definitely evokes memory of the epic “Jesus Walks”. The little piano melody halfway through is a nice touch too.

“What about the lyrics?” you may ask. Check out the beginning of this verse:

Fuck SNL and the whole cast
Tell ’em Yeezy said they can kiss my whole ass
More specifically, they can kiss my asshole

Or this gem:

I don’t need yo’ pussy, bitch, I’m on my own dick

Yeah, man, Kanye is a potty guy.  But props for backing it up with a well produced track.


Listen To New Arcade Fire Songs – “The Suburbs” and “Month of May”

Last week, Arcade Fire released two clips of songs from their upcoming album, The Suburbs. Music blogs and the indie station on XM/Sirius trumpeted these 30 second previews as ZOMG MEGATON ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Come on.

What is this, 2003? I’d like to think Arcade Fire of all bands would not stoop to the “hype game”. Just give us the whole fucking songs.

Anyway, the songs are now up in their entirety.  You can listen to “The Suburbs” and “Month of May” via the cleverly designed Flash Widget below.

Personally, I am not that impressed.  Both songs are fairly straightforward and serviceable, if uninteresting.  “Month of May” is the uptempo rocker, while “The Suburbs” is a more happy-go-lucky indie track.  Consider my expectations tempered for the full album when it comes out on August 3rd.

Click this link if you would like to give Arcade Fire your hard earned money.

Protip: You can drag the spinning record in the widget back and forth like a real LP. Neat, huh?


Download The New Underworld Song – Scribble

Our boys in Underworld (along with Welsh DnB producer, High Contrast) have finally evolved one of their old live standbys, “You Do Scribble” into a delightful new single.

Nothing like some inspiring drum and bass to get you through that early morning commute or run.  Can’t wait for the full 8 minute long version of this.  Feels like this 3 minute radio edit is just the taste of something grand.

Scribble? I’ll do you one further and Scrobble the heck outta this song.

Download the MP3 free for the next 7 days. (email required to sign up)


Another New M.I.A Track – XXXO

Well this sounds more like the fun M.I.A. we know and love.  Now with more pop culture references for the Gossip Girl watching hipster!  Honestly, I’m just glad we don’t have to watch The Thin Ginger Line along with this song.


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New Eminem – Not Afraid

Your Audio Fix has apparently gotten a hold of the new Eminem single, Not Afraid.  It’s a “Recovery” from the sub-standard “Relapse” tracks, but it’s not vintage Slim.  Almost reminds me of Linkin Park. Almost.

Eminem – Not Afraid (Produced by Boi-1da) | YourAudioFix // Your Daily Fix Of Urban Entertainment.


Download The New Interpol Single – Lights

If you like Interpol, you’ll probably like this new song.  If you don’t… well… at least you can still make exaggerated impressions of the dude’s voice.