Insomniac Is Making A Facebook Game Called Outernauts

Rowan Belden-Clifford, Insomniac Games talking to The Verge:

“I consider myself the core audience of previous Insomniac games AND of Outernauts,” he says. “I’m 23 years old, and I play both console games and Facebook games, as does my roommate and many of my other peers. We as a company are as excited about reaching a huge new audience on Facebook as we are about satisfying our hardcore fans.”

Contrary to stereotypical gaming enthusiast beliefs, I think it’s a good thing that Insomniac is setting out to make a Facebook game. I’d love to see someone make a “legitimate” game on Facebook if nothing else but to prove that it can even be done. If there’s anyone that can pull that off, it may as well be one of the best console development studios in gaming today. Playdom’s “Avengers Alliance” came close to creating a Facebook game that isn’t a glorified progress quest, but missed the mark with its terrible shoehorning of “social” mechanics to bottleneck progress.

Knowing how that turned out, I’ve got some heavy reservations based on Insomniac’s partnership with EA (whom we all know love to microtransaction/DLC their games to comical levels), and the fact that the description of “Outernauts” in the piece make me visualize “Pokemon” and “Farmville” having inappropriate relations.

Still, count me in for at least seeing what they come up with.

via Insomniac Games explains why Facebook is the place for its new ‘hardcore’ RPG Outernauts | The Verge.