playstation Archive


Sony Launches Cloud-based Music Streaming Service In The US

I want to pooh-pooh this, but I’m still kind of in awe that Sony beat both Apple and Google to getting a cloud-based unlimited music streaming service up and running. Granted, the only thing different it’s really bringing to the table is home theater functionality with the Playstation 3 and various internet-enabled TVs and Blu-ray players, but still, it’s interesting that this launched yesterday to almost no fanfare whatsoever.

Let’s just hope that the only reason Apple and Google are taking this long to put out their streaming music services is that they’re really making it something compelling to users.

From Playstation Blog:

In addition to PlayStation 3, you may also enjoy Music Unlimited on your network-enabled BRAVIA TV, Blu-Ray Disc player, Sony VAIO or other PC and coming soon to Sony’s other mobile devices, including PSP. Music Unlimited will be available later this afternoon Pacific Standard Time (PST) for 30-day free trial of the Premium service, with monthly subscriptions of Premium at $9.99 or Basic at $3.99. For more information about Music Unlimited, check out the press release.

via Access Millions of Music Tracks on PlayStation Network with Music Unlimited – Available Today – PlayStation Blog.


Killzone 3 Move preview: Point and shoot

Now, this is interesting. Could the Move actually be a non-useless peripheral? If it actually adds as much to the game experience as Randy says, there might be something for gaming enthusiasts to hang their hat on in the motion gaming realm.

Randy Nelson from Joystiq:

Holding down the primary, zigzagging “Move” button allows you to crouch and, when near cover, to stick to it, and I definitely prefer this new cover control to how the mechanic is executed with the DualShock. I was also impressed with how accurately I could aim with the Move when zooming down the sights of the gun, even with the auto-aim assist turned off. It was as if I was shining a laser pointer on my target, and any sense of the gun’s momentum that sometimes causes me to “over-aim” when I’m using a gamepad’s analog stick was gone. The Move is dead-on.

Killzone 3 Move preview: Point and shoot | Joystiq.


PlayStation Launching Android and iPhone Apps “Very Soon”

It sucks they’re not launching in the US initially, but I’m guessing they’re trying to throttle network stress. The app doesn’t sound super exciting, but don’t underestimate the value of being able to mastubatorily (If that’s not a word, it should be) look at your own trophies on the go.

Frankly, I wish Microsoft would go cross-platform with Xbox Live Mobile. Locking themselves into Windows Phone 7 puts themselves at a disadvantage if Sony’s willing to spread the love. At the very least, give me the features I get from just going to

With the 1.0 versions, users will be able to monitor their PlayStation Network trophies as well as friends’ games and online statuses. The apps will also deliver gaming news and PlayStation announcements, and it will let users share news or interesting product details via Twitter, Facebook and email.

via PlayStation Launching Android and iPhone Apps “Very Soon” [PIC].


PlayStation Rewards Program Quests

As silly as these “Quests” sound, I found myself reflexively mentally sorting out which tasks I could do easily. Something about “Quests” or “Achievements” or “Badges” just gets my goal-oriented brain going.

Unfortunately, there’s no metric for tracking what exactly you get for completing each quest – we’re supposed to just trust that their completion helps some arbitrary progress bar fill up and that we will be somehow rewarded at an unspecified time.

At least these tasks seem more novel than Microsoft’s own Xbox Live Rewards program. Their idea of rewards only apply if you buy stuff that generally is cheaper elsewhere. (Seriously, if you’re paying full price for an Xbox LIVE renewal, you’re not doing enough shopping on Amazon)

Completing Quests isn’t mandatory to earn progress, they’re just another way (on top of the existing ways) for you to have fun with the program.  Stay tuned because we’re rolling out new Quests on an ongoing basis. And most importantly, go have fun.

Here are the Quests we are starting with:

Speak Your Mind – Review 5 games on

Share the Play – Place your portable ID on 5 websites

No Place Like Home – Go to PlayStation Home and visit the Central Plaza

Demo Down – Download 5 game demos from PlayStation Store

Check Your Pulse – Download PULSE in HD on your PS3 system

Read it and Reap – Read 10 emails from PlayStation

Click It – Learn more by clicking through in 5 different emails from PlayStation

Movie Maniac – Rent or buy a movie from PlayStation Store

Move It – Play any eligible PlayStation Move game (see FAQ for list of eligible games)

Read: Announcing Quests – Forums.


Vanquish Demo Out On Xbox 360, Playstation 3

One of my favorite games from E3 2010 was Vanquish. I won’t rehash my E3 preview, but offer you this reminder:  Think Gears of War but with blazing fast Japanese robot suits, mechs, and explosions everywhere.

The demo is basically the same demo I played at E3 with an additional tutorial component. You’ll get the beginning of a mission plus an incredibly epic boss fight. Seriously, if your heart doesn’t pump while facing it, you’re not alive. My only complaint with the game so far is that it’s really hard to tell how close you are to death at any given time. I do like to play fairly recklessly, though, so if you’re the conservative type, maybe this wont be a problem for you.

You can grab the demo from the Xbox Live Marketplace or Playstation Network and I implore you to check it out if you are a fan of action games or shooters. It’s a fun, original title that’s definitely on my list of anticipated games this holiday season.

Unless of course, you don’t like fun.

Download the Xbox 360 demo