portal Archive


JJ Abrams On Making Half-Life And Portal Movies

JJ Abrams:

“We’re not looking to make a movie in the gaming world, we’re not looking to impose what we do on that, we’re looking forward to taking some of our strengths and collaborating with some of these incredible minds that make some of my favorite games. Just as I think they’re looking forward to taking some of their stories and the universe for some of their games and applying it to movies. I think they need to both be approached very differently.”

As much as I’m a little fatigued from all the JJ Abrams headlines lately (Star Trek, Star Wars), this guy really gets storytelling and entertainment. If anyone can pull off a truly great film based on rich video game worlds, it’s him.

via Half-Life and Portal movies in early idea stages, J.J. Abrams says | Polygon.


Free Portal (Steam For Mac Released)

A few years ago, I would have scoffed at all the adorable Apple faithful every time they got a feature or program that we PC users have had for ages.  The tables have turned, now that I own a Mac myself.

The much ballyhooed Steam Mac client was finally released this morning.  I freely admit to being one of those jackholes who refreshes his browser all morning in anticipation for software that has already been out for six years on a platform I already own.  Whatever, I’m excited to finally be able to play Torchlight on my Macbook without having to reboot into Windows.  It’s all about laziness, folks.

Oh, by the way, Valve is giving away free copies of Portal for the next 12 days to celebrate this (whether you’re a PC or Mac user), so please grab it if you’re one of the few people who haven’t played it yet.

Download the Steam Mac Client DMG