Kanye West’s Image Control and Media Spin

Kanye befuddles me. I can never fully tell if anything he does is off the cuff honest or part of a calculated persona.

Ne-Yo’s quote certainly doesn’t help any:

“I think it’s a beautiful thing,” Ne-Yo said. “By now, you know who Kanye is. If he feels like he was disrespected, he’s not only going to say it, he’s going to stand on a chair and scream it. That’s who he is. He’s a master of PR. He knows what he is doing.”

And the dude is now so “big” that he can just blow off interviews:

Unsurprisingly, efforts to reach West were unsuccessful. When his publicist, Gabe Tesoriero, was asked via e-mail about West’s interview availability on a scale of 1 to 10 — with one being “not a chance” and 10 being a sure thing — Tesoriero responded with a numerical one, accompanied by a frowny-face emoticon.

Regardless, selling 550,000 CDs first week in this day and age is amazing. I guess it doesn’t hurt that he’s actually good at his craft.

Read: Kanye West’s image control and media spin – latimes.com.