PlayStation Rewards Program Quests

As silly as these “Quests” sound, I found myself reflexively mentally sorting out which tasks I could do easily. Something about “Quests” or “Achievements” or “Badges” just gets my goal-oriented brain going.

Unfortunately, there’s no metric for tracking what exactly you get for completing each quest – we’re supposed to just trust that their completion helps some arbitrary progress bar fill up and that we will be somehow rewarded at an unspecified time.

At least these tasks seem more novel than Microsoft’s own Xbox Live Rewards program. Their idea of rewards only apply if you buy stuff that generally is cheaper elsewhere. (Seriously, if you’re paying full price for an Xbox LIVE renewal, you’re not doing enough shopping on Amazon)

Completing Quests isn’t mandatory to earn progress, they’re just another way (on top of the existing ways) for you to have fun with the program.  Stay tuned because we’re rolling out new Quests on an ongoing basis. And most importantly, go have fun.

Here are the Quests we are starting with:

Speak Your Mind – Review 5 games on PlayStation.com

Share the Play – Place your portable ID on 5 websites

No Place Like Home – Go to PlayStation Home and visit the Central Plaza

Demo Down – Download 5 game demos from PlayStation Store

Check Your Pulse – Download PULSE in HD on your PS3 system

Read it and Reap – Read 10 emails from PlayStation

Click It – Learn more by clicking through in 5 different emails from PlayStation

Movie Maniac – Rent or buy a movie from PlayStation Store

Move It – Play any eligible PlayStation Move game (see FAQ for list of eligible games)

Read: Announcing Quests – PlayStation.com Forums.