Taking a page out of Nine Inch Nails’ recent simultaneous announcement/release of their new album, The Raconteurs have announced that their new album, Consolers of the Lonely, will hit every possible outlet next Tuesday, 3/25.
“Album” meaning: full length vinyl, CD and digital formats; and “everywhere” meaning: local mom and pop Indie retailers, corporate superstores, supermarkets, iTunes, Amazon, the band’s own website and any other location that could get the record up and going this quickly
Personally, I think this would have had more impact had the announcement been day and date with the actual release, but it’s still a great development for the music industry. The tired old model of promoting an album months in advance via radio singles, press reviews, etc. of the actual release needed to go. As a music fan, nothing pissed me off more than reading and hearing about new material that I couldn’t own. That frustration often led people to pirate leaked copies of records because, well, that’s the only way you could hear the new material! Along with providing a good alternative to pirating new material, simultaneous availability also brings a bit of excitement back to the music industry, something that it sorely needs.
Hey, if it works for Apple and Nvidia, why not for music as well?
Read the full press release for The Raconteurs’ new album [idolator.com]