Guess Who’s The First Person To Have Madden 09?

In case you couldn’t recognize this hip-hop “superstar” (I couldn’t), it’s Twista, Chicago’s very own fast-rhyming MC! It’s slightly baffling to me why EA would would want the first person to have Madden 09 be a rapper who peaked in 2004 (with “Slow Jamz feat. Kanye West and Jamie Foxx”). Maybe he suckled the teet of Peter Moore at E3 real good.

Also, I can see why an average Joe would want to make the video equivalent of the “FIRST POST!” comment, but a rapper with (former) cred like Twista?  Really? Has hip-hop fallen this far?

(Extra points for the shady-looking copy of the Wii version of the game.  Looks real nice on a blatantly obvious promotional video, EA.)