Kelly Clarkson and Arcade Fire “Ripoff Controversy”

Apparently, some music blogs have been raging lately over the “BLATANT PILLAGING” Kelly Clarkson has been doing with her new single “Naked Eyes” vis a vis Arcade Fire’s “Rebellion (Lies)”.

Come on.

The litmus test for me was listening to “Naked Eyes” in its entirety and not noticing obvious musical connections with “Rebellion (Lies).”  It wasn’t until I carefully compared the two songs one after another that I noticed the similar chord progression.  Congratulations, you have just won Where’s Waldo, pop musical theory edition!  Hell, even if Kelly had started screaming “LIES! LIES!” in the chorus, I probably wouldn’t have got on my hotline and yelled “ZOMG! SONG RAPING! SEND IN THE ARCADE FIRE DEFENSE FORCE!”

Stop creating controversy where there is none in a shameless attempt to generate traffic, internet music blogs.  It didn’t fool us when you were defending “the everyman musician” and it won’t fool us now when there’s not even an argument among the artists themselves.

Check out the video below if you want to see an illustration on how pop music works: