records Archive


GTA 4 Breaks Entertainment Sales Records

grand theft auto 4 gta greed money sales

The Grand Theft Auto IV juggernaut has landed and its made over $500 million its first week in release on 6 million copies sold worldwide.  Even more astonishing were the first day numbers of 3.6 million copies, grossing $310 million.

According to the Take Two press release:

Grand Theft Auto IV’s first week performance represents the largest launch in the history of interactive entertainment, and we believe these retail sales levels surpass any movie or music launch to date.

I can’t think of a movie thats made more money in its opening week and this certainly trumps *NSYNC’s No Strings Attached release.  Safe to say we have a changing of the guard in the entertainment industry?

Read the press release []


Nintendo? More Like N’SYNCNDO Amirite?

nintendo money hats
Looks like Nintendo of America is really printing that money now. Joystiq reports that last week’s mega-super-ultra-blockbuster release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl is the fastest selling US Nintendo title of all time with first week sales of over 1.4 million copies and first day sales of 875,000.

N’Sync still holds the first-day CD sales record with 1.1 million for No Strings Attached in 2001, but that was at the absolute pinnacle of the CD sales era for the music industry. Today, first day sales of even 200,000 would be considered a raging success. If Brawl‘s sales numbers today are comparable to the glory days of the music industry, what’s going to be possible in upcoming years? Let’s not forget that gross revenue of Wii games are five times what music CD’s are.

Nintendo sells record number of Brawl copies []