My Day Has Come: New Releases For The Week of 8/11-8/15

Maddon NFL 09 Cover

With the number of quality music and games releases increasing as we inch towards the fourth quarter, we here at My Day Will Come will be starting a new weekly feature entitled “My Day Has Come,” where we’ll spotlight the most noteworthy releases of the week.

This week sees a couple of great downloadable games along with the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

Madden NFL 09 (PS2/PS3/Xbox/Xbox 360/DS/PSP/Wii) – 8/12/08 – The latest edition of EA’s golden goose promises to be the best edition in years.   A really cool feature of the 360/PS3 versions is the ability to save a highlight from a game and immediately upload it to the web youtube-style.  Get the Wii version if you’re planning on playing a lot of local multiplayer, otherwise go 360/PS3 if you want a deeper single player or online experience.

Strong Bad’s Game For Cool Attractive People (Wii/PC) – 8/11/08 – Strong Bad and the Homestar Runner cast star in their first point and click adventure game.  It’s the first episode of five monthly releases.  Definitely check this one out if you’re a Homestar and/or adventure game fan.  Read our review from yesterday for more detail.

Bionic Commando Rearmed (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) – 8/13/08 (360) and 8/14/08 (PS3/PC) – I loved the original Bionic Commando on the NES back in the early 90’s.  Capcom reimagines Bionic Command for modern game platforms.  The game is a 2d platformer/shooter combo with the unique twist in that you can’t jump.  You can only use your bionic grapple arm to navigate.  An early review from IGN’s Hilary Goldstein calls it “the best downloadable game to date on XBLA and PSN.”  Strong words from the dude who gave Braid an 8.8 rating.